Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 792 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 792 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (6)
The skill cooling time of the avatar bracelet is half an hour. Leng Ye didn't want to let the remaining two avatars die in the hands of the polar bear, so he used his thoughts to direct them to adopt guerrilla tactics. Look for an opportunity to attack from behind the polar bear.When the polar bear turned around and hit the clone behind, Leng Ye asked the two clones to switch tasks.Although the polar bear's attack speed is faster, its movement speed is much lower than that of the two clones, and it frequently suffers severe injuries.

At this moment, Leng Ye was also enjoying himself, unknowingly changed his role, gave up the initiative to attack, and directed the two clones instead.Since the two avatars are controlled by Leng Ye's mind, as long as Leng Ye does not take a nap, there will be no mistakes in their cooperation.

Time flies, the polar bear is like a fool, chasing this clone for a while, and chasing that clone for a while, in vain. Less than 10 million left.

At this moment, the polar bear suddenly let out a hysterical roar, and then, its stature skyrocketed, turning into a giant bear more than three meters high in an instant.

Leng Ye knew that the polar bear had transformed, and when he cast a spell on it, he saw its attribute—the polar roaring bear.What surprised Leng Ye was that the attack range of Arctic Roaring Bear's roaring skill was as much as ten meters.

With the roar of the polar bear, not only the two clones that were closer to it lost more than [-] blood, but even Leng Ye, who was farther away from it, was also affected.

To make matters worse, the [-] (percent) chance on the "Roar" appeared untimely, stunned Leng Ye and its two clones.

The Arctic Roaring Bear was really cruel, and he threw out his palms again and again, killing the two clones of Leng Ye in less than three seconds...

Then, the Arctic Roaring Bear ran towards the cold night.

As soon as the three seconds were up, Leng Ye tried to run away with a stray step. However, before he could take a few steps, he heard the roar of the arctic roaring bear again. What made him depressed was that he was caught again. stunned.

Hearing the footsteps of the Arctic Roaring Bear getting closer, Leng Ye began to feel nervous. He knew that it would be difficult for him to resist its three palms. If the Arctic Roaring Bear issued three palms, he would not run away. If it is opened, then he will probably hang up.

"Brother Leng, I'll help you!" Jin Nanyan, who was standing far away, saw that Leng Ye was in danger, and ran towards this side, saying as he ran.

"Yan'er, don't come here! It's dangerous here! Brother Leng will be fine." Leng Ye said anxiously, he blurted out without considering whether he could still speak after being stunned.

"Brother Leng, I won't let the 'polar bear' hurt you!" Jin Nanyan said while running, not taking Leng Ye's words seriously at all.

"Yan'er, brother Leng can't die! Don't come here, if... if something happens to you, brother Leng will feel guilty for the rest of his life. Besides, you can't resist the attack of the Arctic Roaring Bear at all..." Leng Ye hurriedly said, but what he said was useless, seeing that Jin Nanyan was about to rush over, he had an idea, and said: "If you take another step, Brother Leng won't want it... and won't be married to you either!"

(End of this chapter)

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