Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 793 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 793 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (7)
As soon as these words came out, Jin Nanyan suddenly stopped, blinked her eyes, shed tears, and cried, "Brother Leng, I listen to you, but Yan'er will not let you die in vain."

Leng Ye was a little moved and a little surprised by the little girl's words, and thought: "Yan'er, it's enough for you to have this kind of heart. I think you, a weak little girl, can help me. Isn't it more helpful? The more chaotic!" Leng Ye's words obviously contained serious masculinity, but what he said was more about his concern and love for Jin Nanyan.

The footsteps of the North Pole Roaring Bear were getting closer, and Leng Ye's worry became more and more intense.

As the footsteps of the roaring bear in the Arctic stopped abruptly, Leng Ye received two heavy palms on his shoulders, the pain of bone removal came, and Leng Ye almost fainted.

"TMD, the attribute has been reduced by [-]% (percentage sign), why is it hurting more!" Leng Ye said angrily, but he did not forget the danger. As soon as he applied it, he ran away.

Then, Leng Ye heard that hateful roar again. What made him depressed was that he was stunned for the third time, and it was still three times in a row.

At this moment, Leng Ye was a little bit crazy.

You know, every time the Arctic Roaring Bear roars, there is only a [-] (percentage sign) chance of stunning the enemy, and the chance of stunning the enemy three times in a row is even less pitiful, only [-] (percentage sign)!

Even though Leng Ye was walking in a lost direction, his speed was still hard to compare with the speed of sound, so this time he didn't throw it very far, and about a second later, his shoulders were hit by the pair of heavy blows again. Attack of the bear's paw.

In just a few seconds, he suffered two bone-eviscending pains in a row. It was a miracle that Leng Ye didn't die from the pain. At this moment, his consciousness was completely blurred.

God is jealous of talents! !
Just when Leng Ye was dying, the two palms of the Arctic Roaring Bear hit Leng Ye again. With the two palms, Leng Ye's eyes went dark, and then he heard the system's prompt.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by the Arctic Roaring Bear, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

After the resurrection, although the pain in Leng Ye's body was still there, but his consciousness became much clearer, and he wanted to run away.However, before he took a step, he touched the palms of the Arctic Roaring Bear again.

Fortunately, Leng Ye did not die, and with a cunning and misleading step, he finally escaped five meters away.

Seeing that Leng Ye couldn't catch it, Arctic Roaring Bear once again launched a large-scale sonic attack. As soon as the sound wave reached Leng Ye's ears, it immediately knocked out more than [-] blood from him.

"The Arctic Roaring Bear is too perverted! I can't be a hero anymore!" Leng Ye sighed, taking advantage of the three-second cooling time of the Arctic Roaring Bear's skill, with a wave of the lazy sword in Leng Ye's hand, the Ice Silkworm and the Binghuo Lihun Beast immediately Appeared in front of the cold night.

As soon as the ice silkworm came out, under Leng Ye's command, he used the skill of ice silkworm Gu poison at the North Pole Roaring Bear.However, to Leng Ye's dismay, the moment the ice silk touched the Arctic Roaring Bear, it seemed to be completely absorbed, and immediately disappeared from his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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