Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 795 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 795 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (9)
Having lost his target, the Arctic Roaring Bear became manic, and while roaring, walked with heavy steps towards the direction away from the cold night.


Leng Ye exclaimed.He just thought that the Arctic Roaring Bear was going to run away, but he didn't expect it to change its target and take aim at Jin Nanyan, who was seven or eight meters away!

"Brother Leng, I'm fine!"

The little girl said, however, at this moment, although she can make a sound, her body cannot move.Apparently, the little girl was stunned by the sound waves of the Arctic Roaring Bear.

Leng Ye saw that Jin Nanyan's blood volume was close to a vacuum, and she would definitely not be able to withstand the next wave of the Arctic Roaring Bear's attack.In desperation, Leng Ye quickly ran towards the North Pole Roaring Bear, and finally, only [-] meters away from the North Pole Roaring Bear, he used his Flying Sword Technique.

As soon as the flying sword technique came out, the lazy sword spun rapidly at low altitude, and flew towards the back of the Arctic Roaring Bear. In an instant, the lazy sword penetrated deeply into the Arctic Roaring Bear's body unbiasedly, and then struck back Leng Ye's hands were still bloody.

What surprised Leng Ye was that such an unremarkable move of Flying Swords actually wiped out more than [-] blood of the Arctic Roaring Bear.

"Do monsters immune to magic resist physical attacks?" Such an idea suddenly popped up in Leng Ye's mind.

The Arctic Roaring Bear was wounded in the back, and when it hurt, it stopped and stopped approaching Jin Nanyan. When it turned around, it saw Leng Ye, roaring, and used the roaring skill again.

What made Leng Ye depressed was that he was stunned again.

"Even if I wasn't devout enough when I made the wish, there's no need to be like this!" Leng Ye sighed.Hearing the footsteps of the North Pole roaring bear getting closer, Leng Ye felt a little nervous, not because he was afraid of the height of its attack, but because of the pain brought by the palms together, Leng Ye "turned pale" and became terrified when he heard the news.

"What the hell, who made this game so real that it made people die." Leng Ye cursed.

"If it wasn't so real, it wouldn't be so fun to have sex with my beautiful wives, hehe!" Leng Ye thought again.At this critical juncture of life and death, Leng Ye can still think of these things, so we have to admire his optimistic style, and we can't help saying that he is "sexy and daring"!


With a loud bang, Leng Ye felt that the bones in both shoulders were snapped off, and the severe pain came, and when his eyes went dark, he didn't know anything.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by the Arctic Roaring Bear, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

Just after being revived, Leng Ye made a stray step, and jumped three meters away in the blink of an eye. Then, he heard the heart-piercing roar again, and was stunned again.

"Oh my god! Why did you treat me like this!" Leng Ye shouted.Hearing the footsteps of the North Pole roaring bear getting closer, Leng Ye had to compromise and shouted: "Peng'er, come out quickly, the boss is going to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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