Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 796 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 796 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (10)
Soon, he heard the voice of the golden-winged roc from the pet space: "Boss, have you bought me warm clothes? This is the North Pole, and I will freeze to death as soon as I go out!"

Crazy in the cold night!

At this moment, Leng Ye is "the dragon swims in the shallow water, the tiger falls in the flat sun", so he has to let the Arctic Roaring Bear bully him at will.I don't know if it's the Jade Emperor, God or Empress Nuwa who are deliberately fighting against Leng Ye. Every roar of the Arctic Roaring Bear can stun him. life.These are all within Leng Ye's acceptable range, however, the inhuman pain caused Leng Ye's body and mind to be severely injured again and again.Now, he was somewhat looking forward to his early death.

Leng Ye still has two pieces of He's Bi on his body, however, he has been resurrected [-] times.Although the two pieces of He's Bi had revived him [-] times before, Leng Ye thought that it might be because of the alternation of day and night, and he overdrawn the number of resurrections the next day.

Giving up voluntarily has never been Leng Ye's style, even when he was tortured to death by an arctic roaring bear.What's more, in front of a beautiful woman, how can Leng Ye retreat on her own initiative.Therefore, every time he is resurrected, he will use the lost step to try to escape. Although the lawyer has repeatedly failed, he will never give up.

After being resurrected for the last time, Leng Ye performed the Lost Step again, and ran away with a leap. To his surprise, the leap was 15 meters away.

"Why is it all right?" Leng Ye was puzzled.Suddenly, he thought of Jin Nanyan, who was still in danger, and turned around to run back.

The scene that surprised Leng Ye appeared again.

I saw the little girl standing about five meters in front of the North Pole Roaring Bear, half-closed her eyes, and played the "Silent Xiao", calm and at ease.

Look at the Arctic Roaring Bear again, covering its ears with two thick bear paws, obviously afraid of the little girl's "Silent Xiao". The speed decreased rapidly.

Seeing this, Leng Ye felt relieved and walked to the little girl.

What made Leng Ye puzzled happened again.

At this moment, the distance between Leng Ye and the little girl was only half a meter. He could clearly see the little girl's mouth and fingers moving, but he couldn't hear any sound from the jade flute.

"Could it be that I was deafened by the roaring bear in the Arctic?" Leng Ye suddenly had such a strange idea in his heart.Then, he dug out his ears with his hands to confirm that he still couldn't hear, feeling very depressed in his heart.

"Damn it, Arctic Roaring Bear, I'll make you pay in blood!" Leng Ye said angrily, swiping his lazy sword, and performed a broken sword style.

This fierce and angry sword was directed at the throat of the arctic roaring bear.

What relieved Leng Ye was that this sword had knocked out nearly a million blood from the Arctic Roaring Bear.

"It seems that Empress Nuwa still takes good care of me." Leng Yexi said, he thought that the previous two attacks were ten times or a hundred times more likely to appear on the Lazy Sword.

(End of this chapter)

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