Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 797 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 797 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (11)
"How come there are so many [-] yuan and [-] yuan at a time?" Leng Ye was puzzled, and threw a magic skill at him, which surprised and pleased him at the same time.

Surprised that the Arctic Roaring Bear has an additional "Rage Transformation" skill, and happy that the Arctic Roaring Bear's blood volume is now less than [-] million.

Leng Ye was confident that he only needed two sword strikes at most to end the Arctic Roaring Bear's life, but he didn't act in a hurry.

Anger: The delta monster's self-increasing skills in the state of anger, the same as the end of the move, within [-] minutes to increase its own attack by [-] times, and at the same time, there is a [-] (percent sign) chance to receive [-] times the damage.

After seeing this skill, Leng Ye roughly understood the reason why he hit the polar bear twice with high damage.

However, what really caught Leng Ye's eyes was the word "delta monster", which he had never seen before, and it was also something he hadn't seen or noticed at the Arctic Roaring Bear before using the divine skill twice.

"The δ monster can increase its skills by itself. Does this mean that monsters have a certain chance to comprehend skills when fighting people?" Leng Ye thought, feeling uneasy: "If this is true, then we have to deal with immortals in the future. Beasts and divine beasts are even more difficult. Super divine beasts? Then don’t even think about it.”

"Did the 'δ monster' exist at the beginning of the game? Or was it added after the game ran autonomously? Does its appearance mean that the monster is more intelligent? The monster can also be upgraded in the future? Are the monsters also coming to compete with humans for territory?" Just this word "δ monster" made Leng Ye very impressed, and I have to say that Leng Ye is thoughtful.

The recent series of adventures made Leng Ye feel strange, feeling that this game is about to undergo a big change.

"Could it be a national war?"

This idea suddenly popped up in Leng Ye's mind.

"The official made it clear that they didn't set any time for the national war in advance. As for when the national war will happen, they don't know anything. This means that the triggering of the national war depends entirely on the independent operation of the game. In this way, the national war Is it because the game has developed to a certain stage, and it can only be triggered after the player has completed a certain task?" Leng Ye murmured in his heart.

At this moment, Leng Ye saw that the North Pole Roaring Bear finally couldn't stand the torture and died under Jin Nanyan's jade flute, and then he heard Jin Nanyan's happy cry: "Brother Leng, I've upgraded! I've upgraded! "

"I'm not deaf? Could it be that Yuxiao can kill the North Pole Roaring Bear with a silent sound?" Leng Ye thought to himself, and expressed his doubts to Jin Nanyan.

"Brother Leng, you actually know the voice of silence, so amazing!" Jin Nanyan praised.She gently stroked the long hair on her forehead with her hand, revealing crystal beads of sweat, obviously caused by blowing the flute just now.

"Hey! I've only heard about it, and I don't know exactly what it is." Leng Ye said vaguely.

(End of this chapter)

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