Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 798 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 798 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (12)
"Brother Leng, let me tell you in detail. The silent sound is the highest level of Yu Xiao's attack. It attacks the enemy by emitting a kind of anti-sound wave. The so-called anti-sound wave, as the name implies, is the opposite of the sound wave. It is silent when it is emitted. Breathless, it is a virtual wave that surpasses low sound waves, ultrasonic waves, and sound waves that we can hear. It does not exist in reality, and only Yuxiao can emit it in "Ling Yun." Jin Nanyan patiently explained to Leng Ye, After a pause, he continued: "Anti-sound wave can not only dissolve all sound waves, but also has powerful attack power. The only disadvantage is that it is only effective against people or monsters attacked by sound waves."

"No wonder you can kill the fairy beast Arctic Roaring Bear!" Leng Yexi said.

"Why, Brother Leng, don't you know how powerful Anti-Sonic is?"

"Of course I know! How could I not know! I heard that anti-sonic waves can kill beasts!"

"Brother Leng, Sister Shuang'er said that you don't know anything about music, but I didn't expect you to be so proficient in anti-sonic waves. Yan'er really admires you!"

"Your Sister Shuang'er lied to you. There are very few things in this world that I am not proficient in, hehe!"


"of course!"

"Since Brother Leng is so powerful, you must know where the Arctic Ocean Water is!"

"Of course, it's in the Arctic Ocean. To be precise, it's right under your feet. It's just that the water here can't be used because it's polluted!"

"Brother Leng, you must know how to decontaminate, right?"

"Of course, as long as I can find the source of pollution, I can purify the water here!"

"But, Brother Leng, where is the source of pollution? Can you find it?"

"of course!"

"Brother Leng, take everything you say for granted. But think about it before you say it. Lying is not a good man!"

"For so many years, you, Brother Leng, I have never said a single lie..."

"Brother Leng, this sentence seems to be a lie!"

"Khan~~~ Don't you believe in Brother Leng?"

"No, but I will prove it myself."

"How to prove it!"

"I want you to swear in front of Empress Nuwa that I will ask you three questions, and you must answer them truthfully."

"This... I, Leng Ye, stand in front of Empress Nuwa and answer Yan'er's three questions truthfully. If there is even half a lie, I will die!"

"Hee hee, Brother Leng, let me start asking. The first question: What do you want to do most now? Answer truthfully!"

"Get the founding decree! Show me the prestige of China!" Leng Ye blurted out, and he didn't suffer any punishment for three seconds after he finished speaking. What he said was true.

Jin Nanyan smiled with satisfaction.

"Second question: What do you most want to do besides enacting the founding decree?"

"Upgrade the lazy sword to a magic weapon, and complete the beauty task and the SSS-level task of finding Zhaxisi!"

(End of this chapter)

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