Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 801 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 801 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (15)
"Husband, the monsters here are all ice-type, and the level is not high. Let's go in and kill them all, and occupy their caves!" Qiu Zimei looked at the map and said.

"Sister Zimei, how do you say that your husband is like a robber, but our husband is a good man!" Xuemei said.

"Xue'er, what Zimei said is right, those monsters have polluted the entire Arctic Ocean, of course we can't let it go." Leng Ye said with a smile.

"Then we robbed them of their cave, are they still living in it for a few days, sleeping or something?" Xuemei asked again.

"Of course!" As soon as Leng Ye said this, it was as if he had exposed the fox's tail, and immediately aroused the sighs of the women.

"Is doing that kind of thing really as wonderful as some sisters said? The man who thinks about that kind of thing all day says that making the founding order is what he wants to do the most right now, Empress Nuwa! Why don't you punish him!" Jin Nanyan couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Led by Shuangju and Shui Rulan, Leng Ye and the girls soon came to the main peak of Beidou Mountain in the North Pole - the North Pole Peak.

"Husband, the entrance of the cave is right there." Shuangju said, pointing to a small cave that only allowed two people to pass through side by side.

Leng Ye nodded, pulled out his lazy sword, and led the girls inside.

As soon as he entered, Leng Ye found that his whole body was bleeding, and said to the girls: "Eat blood to resist, and it will be fine after [-] meters!"

Sure enough, after walking about 50 meters forward, Leng Ye and the others came to a relatively open place, and their lives no longer decreased.

"Everyone be careful, there are bears here!" Leng Ye said to the girls.

As soon as Leng Ye's words fell, everyone heard a roar, and then, a snow-white monster appeared in front of them out of thin air.

As soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, Leng Ye saw the attributes of the monster.

The monster is a level [-] ordinary monster—the arctic leopard, which has good attack and speed. However, to Leng Ye's surprise, this leopard is not only immune to magic, but also physically immune.

Double free monsters! ! !This is hard to scare Leng Ye and the others.

With a wave of the lazy sword in Leng Ye's hand, all the seven summoned creatures appeared in front of his eyes.

"Ice Silkworm - Ice Silkworm Gu Poison; Ice Fire Lishun Beast - Lishun; Little Sun, Snow White - Increase Attack and Defense; Loch Ness Monster, Somali Leopard, Thousand-faced Nine-Tailed Fox for me!!!"

In an instant, Leng Ye had given orders to the six summoned creatures with his thoughts.

After that, he called out the four-eared unicorn.

Of course, Leng Ye wanted to ask Peng'er to come out to help.Helpless, the little girl still said she was afraid of the cold and refused to show up, which disappointed Leng Ye a little.

A level [-] arctic leopard is not terrible, what is terrible is its two invulnerable defenses - physical immunity and magic immunity.The reason why Leng Ye called out all the pets and summoned objects was to find a way to break these two defenses.Leng Ye knew that the arctic leopard was just a minion at the door. If these two defenses could not be cracked, the group would not be able to go deep at all.

(End of this chapter)

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