Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 802 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 802 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (16)
Under Leng Ye's instruction, the girls also summoned their pets.Everyone held their breath and carefully observed the confrontation between the pets, summoned objects and mounts and the arctic leopard.

The arctic leopard ignored Leng Ye and the others as well as all the pets and summons, lying there motionless as if completely ignoring their existence.

As soon as the ice silkworm used the skill of ice silkworm Gu poison, in an instant, the dense and overwhelming ice silk rushed towards the arctic leopard at a fast speed.However, the ice silk slipped to the ground as soon as it touched the arctic leopard.Obviously, skills are invalid.

The eight split bodies of the Binghuo Lihun Beast after it left its soul.Li Xue and Huo Warrior raised their axes and slashed at the arctic leopard.As soon as the ax touched the arctic leopard's body, it made a "clank" sound. However, the two splits, each with the power of a fairy beast, only forcibly knocked out a drop of arctic leopard's blood each time, which also declared their Failure of physical attack.Look again, the arrows of Sensitive Blood and Fire Archer also shot at the Arctic Leopard at an extremely fast speed. What's worse, when the Frost Arrow and Fierce Rocket hit the Arctic Leopard's body, even the arrows were broken.Zhixue and Priest Huo are constantly blessing the offensive and defensive magic of various departments for everyone and monsters around them, while Faxue and Fire Mage closed their eyes and chanted two perverted skills - Ice Soul Snow Soul and Hellfire.

The Loch Ness monster that has been evolved in the ice scabbard, its four feet are like skates, gliding on the ground at an extremely fast speed, hitting the arctic leopard heavily, after that, it leaves, and then hits again ... Once upon a time, the Loch Ness monster was like a knight, constantly hitting the enemy with collisions. The difference is that the knight rode a mount, and it used four legs, but these four legs are Loch Ness. The water monster's own is much easier to control than a mount.However, this attack method also fell silent in front of the arctic leopard, which is immune to all laws and regulations.

Now the [-]-level Somali leopard is more than one meter tall. It has a strong body and gradually has the shadow of when Leng Ye subdued it. It has good offense and defense. What is more gratifying is its speed. beast.Its attack methods are claws and bites, and it comes with a tearing attack and a chance of double attack, so the Somali leopard can also be regarded as a fierce leopard.However, just such a ferocious leopard couldn't bite or scratch the arctic leopard, which looked a bit smaller than it, at this time, it was no different from a little sheep.

The [-]-level thousand-faced nine-tailed fox opened its tail again, and began to dangle in front of the arctic leopard, showing its coquettishness.However, the arctic leopard is like an unfeminine eunuch, it doesn't even look at her, which makes the little fox very depressed.

After that, Ice Witch's Azure Dragon, Qiu Zimei's Lemur Princess and Shuang'er's super beast Ice Fire Phoenix all went up, but to no avail, they couldn't bring effective attacks on the Arctic Leopard.This also declares the failure of all pets and summons.

"Physical immunity and magic immunity, which means that no matter whether we use physical attacks or magic attacks, it will be ineffective. It seems that we will not be able to kill the arctic leopard." Mercury sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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