Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 804 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 804 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (18)
Arctic swordsmanship: the unique swordsmanship of the descendants of Polaris, with a total of [-] levels, divided into [-] moves.Currently at level [-], you can use sword moves to move the stars (there is a [-] (percent) chance to feed back the enemy's attack to the enemy with [-] times the value, and you will not receive any damage yourself).Every time the Polaris star level is upgraded, the number of Arctic sword moves will be increased by the number of Polaris stars (for example, if the Polaris star level is [-], you can only learn one sword move; if the Polaris star level is [-], you can learn two new sword moves. And so on , until the [-]th level, you can learn [-] more sword moves, and you will learn [-] moves in the end).Conditions for using Arctic swordsmanship: Only in the Arctic region before the Polaris star reaches level [-]; after the Polaris star reaches level [-], there is no regional restriction.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi and Huang Hua have the same effect. One is to return the enemy's attack to the enemy, and the other is to dissolve the enemy's attack and transform it into your own blood. Before Dou Zhuan Xing Yi has not reached level [-], it is really good and bad. It's hard to come to a conclusion." Leng Ye said happily after seeing a move of the Arctic Sword Art.Overjoyed, Leng Ye actually ignored that these two skills can be used at the same time, it seems that he was overjoyed.

"Husband, what trick did you use just now? How did you instantly kill the arctic leopard that was immune to physical and magical immunity?" The Ice Witch asked in surprise.

"Husband, has your lazy sword been upgraded? Has it become a magic weapon?" Qiu Zimei asked happily.

"Husband, is it possible that the arctic leopard is a female leopard, a male leopard like you, my husband, will be dumbfounded!" Shuangju laughed.


The women looked at Leng Ye with doubts, as if looking at a rare animal, and felt that he was becoming more and more mysterious.Leng Ye, on the other hand, was complacent, knowing without saying anything, and letting them speculate wildly.

"Is a man who tells his wife everything still a man?" Leng Ye asked himself, and decided to maintain a proper sense of mystery to Shuang'er and others in the future, so as to show how "powerful" he is as a husband!
While the girls were still chattering, another arctic leopard came out and landed right in front of Leng Ye.Leng Ye didn't want to think about it too much, he swung his lazy sword casually, and unexpectedly ended the life of this arctic leopard.

"Husband, the arctic leopard is a level [-] monster, with more than [-] million HP, why did you kill two heads with just two swords?" Shuang'er asked suddenly.

Leng Ye was startled, and thought: "Could it be related to me being the descendant of Polaris?" Nodding his head, he said to Shuang'er and the others: "It's a bit strange. When the Arctic Leopard comes out again later, everyone don't do anything. Just wait and see!"

Not long after, another arctic leopard appeared in front of Leng Ye. Like the previous two, they were not "actively aggressive" monsters. They lay beside Leng Ye like a docile kitten, at every turn.

"Husband, leopard is a ferocious animal! Why does it seem that you raised it, like a kitten, so cute!" Huxing said happily.

Leng Ye smiled and shook his head, expressing that he was helpless.Casually released a magic spell, and Leng Ye once again saw the attributes of the arctic leopard lying on the ground.As expected, it was still immune to magic and physical immunity like the one he saw before.

(End of this chapter)

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