Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 805 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 805 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (19)
Inadvertently, Leng Ye kicked the arctic leopard.This kick that didn't contain much strength kicked the arctic leopard three meters away, but it didn't lose blood.

"Honey, it looks like it's really a cat!" Huo Huo said with a smile, and then she came up to the arctic leopard and kicked the arctic leopard like Leng Ye.

Martian's kick contained a lot of strength, and it didn't kick the arctic leopard at all, but it angered the arctic leopard.I saw it attack Mars with a swoop.

Leng Ye was worried about Mars, and in desperation, he threw his lazy sword and used a flying sword technique, pointing directly at the arctic leopard's throat.

Not surprisingly, the lazy sword pierced through the body, killing the arctic leopard immediately.

"Husband!!! It scared me to death, it is really a leopard, not a cat!" Huo Huo threw himself into Leng Ye's arms and said.The girls who provoked laughed.

"Husband, why is the Arctic Leopard so docile to you, but so fierce to sister Huo'er? There must be something strange about it!" Shuang'er felt something was wrong and said.

Leng Ye naturally saw this, nodded, and said to the girls: "When the leopard comes out, don't act rashly. I'll try to communicate with it."

The girls understood what they said and nodded, but they still looked puzzled, not understanding what kind of medicine was sold in Lengye Gourd.

Soon, another arctic leopard, exactly the same as before, came out, lying docilely at Leng Ye's feet.

"Arctic Leopard, the descendant of Polaris is here, you still don't kneel down!" Leng Ye tried to communicate with the Arctic Leopard with his thoughts.To the surprise of Leng Ye and the girls, the arctic leopard quickly stood up, let out a long growl, then bent its front legs, and actually put on a kneeling posture, which Leng Ye enjoyed very much.

"Could it be that the descendants of Polaris can really command the monsters in the cave of Beidou Mountain in the North Pole?" Such an idea suddenly popped up in Leng Ye's mind, which made him a little moved and even a little excited.

"If this is the case, then all the [-] monsters, large and small, in Beidou Mountain in the North Pole will all become my subordinates, and all of them will become the undead army of the Sword Demon Palace, then..." Thinking of this, Leng Ye really didn't dare to think about it any longer. up.

You know, once monsters are controlled by players, as long as their loyalty is not too low, they will be [-]% obedient and obedient to their masters.For the players who own them, they are like their arms and thighs, allowing the players to control them with their minds, becoming their veritable undead army.

"Old...husband, this... this arctic leopard is bewitched, or is he out of his mind, why...why did he kneel down for you?" Shuang'er exclaimed when she saw the arctic leopard kneeling.

Leng Ye smiled and said nothing, and communicated with the Arctic Leopard with his thoughts: "Call your king, and tell him that the descendant of Polaris has arrived, and tell him to come see me quickly."

As soon as Leng Ye finished speaking, the arctic leopard got up immediately, wagged its tail, and walked deep into the cave.Not long after, a monster with a leopard head and a human body appeared in the sight of Leng Ye and the few women surrounded by many cubs.

(End of this chapter)

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