Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 826 Rewards for beauty tasks

Chapter 826 Rewards for beauty tasks (11)
When Leng Ye was proud, he heard Qiu Zimei's complaint again: "Husband, we don't want you to go offline. Unless...unless you can take me and sister Zi'er to your place."

"Honey, that's what I mean too! My brother said, you can pick me up anytime!" Bauhinia also echoed.

Leng Ye was about to agree, but Shui Rulan said: "Sister Zimei, Sister Zier, if you want to come to China, we sisters welcome you as much as your husband, but, as far as I know, gaming helmets not only have DNA authentication functions, but also There is a special setting, that is, it cannot be used when you take it across borders. In "Lingyun", there will be more and more people above level [-]. The national war is coming, and my husband is busy making the national founding order to win glory for the country. .Now my husband needs us to help him in the game, and we have to give up Xiaojia for everyone. So, I suggest that you don’t come here for now, and we don’t go offline for now, just stay with my husband up there.”

Listening to what Shui Rulan said, Leng Ye made sense, but he was still looking forward to it with the bodies of a few girls, and a sad look appeared on his face immediately.

"Husband, do you agree?" Shui Rulan naturally saw Leng Ye's displeasure, and asked deliberately.

"Okay... very good!" Leng Ye said.

"Honey, let's go back to the Sword Demon Building now! Although the beauty task failed, we will give you a consolation prize." Shui Rulan blurted out, and at the same time, her face turned red, Embarrassed, she crushed the return scroll.

Seeing the girls returning one by one, Leng Ye felt happy instead, and said joyfully, "These silly girls thought the mission had failed! What's the consolation prize? ^_^, I'll let you all kneel down later beg for mercy!"

Suddenly, Leng Ye thought of the two dozen unique skills taught by the old lady, opened his attributes and looked, which made Leng Ye depressed, he didn't see any new skills added.

"Could it be that they gave skill scrolls?" Leng Ye thought so, opened the space ring, and he smiled.

There are two scrolls lying in the depth of the ring of space, one black and one white, each shining with a unique light, which makes Leng Ye very excited.

Leng Ye first opened the black scroll, and saw that it read: the only scroll, holding this scroll can learn one of the ultimate hidden skills, the Soul-Leaving Curse, and the level will be reduced by [-] levels after use.

Leng Ye then opened the white scroll and saw that it said: The only scroll, holding this scroll can learn the resurrection curse, one of the ultimate hidden skills, and the level will increase by [-] levels after use.

"Since it is the ultimate hidden skill, then I must learn it, not to mention the old lady said it is so mysterious, it must be very powerful!" Leng Ye thought, "I am now at level [-], it is absolutely impossible for me to drop [-] levels Yes! But if I want to upgrade to level [-], that would be cool."

"I'm at level 1 now, and after learning the Resurrection Curse, I'll go straight up to level [-]. Level [-], my God! Absolute No.[-] in the game!" Leng Yexi said, then picked up the scroll of the Resurrection Curse, slapped it, Then I heard the system prompt.

(End of this chapter)

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