Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 827 Rewards for beauty tasks

Chapter 827 Rewards for beauty tasks (12)
System prompt: The use of the scroll is invalid, please learn the spell of leaving the soul first.

"Damn! The system is always so incomprehensible!" Leng Ye cursed secretly, but in desperation, he had no choice but to pick up the black scroll and shoot it.

After this shooting, Leng Ye heard the system prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for learning the ultimate hidden skill, the Soul Liberation Curse, plus [-] prestige and [-] prestige.

Without hesitation, Leng Ye took another picture of the white scroll, and then he heard the prompt from the system.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for learning the ultimate hidden skill Resurrection Curse, the prestige will be reduced by [-], and the prestige will be reduced by [-].

"Increase first and then subtract, if my heart is not good, it will be over!" Leng Ye sighed, then opened his attributes to look, and saw these two so-called ultimate hidden skills at a glance.

Soul-Leaving Curse: Ultimate skill, instant skill, after casting the spell, the enemy's soul will leave his body for 3 minutes. During these 3 minutes, his physical body will be completely controlled by the caster. This skill is effective for all players and all Monster works.Every time a player uses this skill, he dies and resurrects on the spot, and the prestige will be reduced by [-], and the prestige will be reduced by [-].

"Evil spells! Evil spells!!!" Leng Ye saw this skill, and exclaimed: "This kind of trick that plays tricks on people, harms others and benefits oneself, if you can use it in the future, don't use it!"

This is okay, when Leng Ye's eyes fell on the resurrection curse, his mouth opened even wider in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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