Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 840 Cold Night VS Kuanglong

Chapter 840 Cold Night VS Kuanglong (10)
The seven-step soul-chasing knife is by no means in vain. With one strike, it has wiped out more than 4 blood of Leng Ye. If he was an ordinary fighter, he would have died long ago.

After the first cut, Kuanglong was startled. He looked at Leng Ye in a more complicated way, and secretly said in surprise: "Why are there so many! It's almost comparable to a paladin!"

"I thought that my Leng Ye's strength was enough to cover the sky with one hand, but when I saw the performance of the Kuanglong today, I realized that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in China, I don't know how many people are stronger than the Kuanglong. Look Come on, in "Ling Yun", I will show off the power of China, just around the corner!" Leng Ye said happily in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, the second knife of the Seven-step Soul Chasing Knife arrived and hit Leng Ye on the brow.

This attack was more violent and faster than the first attack, however, to the surprise of Leng Ye and everyone else, this attack only knocked out more than 2 of Leng Ye's blood.

Looking again, Kuanglong's eyes became more complicated, and his face became even uglier. He shook his head helplessly and said, "Leng Ye, now I admire you seven points. If you don't want to die, quickly take seven steps back. Our bet Even if it is invalid!"

"Sect Master Kuanglong, I appreciate your kindness. Your 'Seven-step Soul Chasing Knife' is really powerful. If I die under the knife today, it will be considered that my fate is not good for Leng Ye. If I want to kill or cut, I will let you handle it. If Leng Ye Ye was lucky enough to survive, and I still hope that the leader of the Kuanglong clan will fulfill his promise." Leng Ye said.

Every time the Chiye Knife is hit, it will return to the Kuanglong's hands and start a new round of offensive, and the time interval between each two attacks is about [-] seconds.While speaking, the Chiye Saber flew towards Leng Ye again from Kuanglong's hand, hitting his vitals again, but this time the damage was only more than [-].

"Sister Lan, how come the seven-step soul-chasing knife is less than once? Is that one-eyed dragon bored?" Qiu Zimei asked.

"Silly girl, from the point of view of the sword technique, the seven-step soul-destroying knife is stronger and faster than the other knife. It's not that the one-eyed dragon is getting weaker, but more and more powerful. As for why each time you hit less, then I don't know." Shui Rulan said.

"The mad dragon is dead!"

"Come on, help master!"

"Help the boss!!!"


Seeing that the seven-step soul-chasing knife was "weaker" than the other, the gang members of the sword demon palace began to boo and yell.Even Jin Dao didn't get any information about Kuanglong's "flying knife" technique, so he was at a loss.

"Cut~~ A group of ignorant juniors, what do you know! Brother Long's seven-step soul-chasing knife is the nemesis of the boss. It is really a waste to use it on Leng Ye!" The green-clothed woman named Yingying whispered.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, the fourth, fifth and sixth cuts of the "Seven Step Soul Chasing Knife" knocked out the blood of Leng Ye [-], [-], and [-] respectively.

"Could it be that every attack is halved?" Leng Ye wondered, he deduced this from the data of the "Seven-step Soul-chasing Knife" killing him every time.

"Sister Lan, the next knife is only [-], and it's not more than a thousand. What kind of shit chasing soul knife, I think it's a shameful knife." Huo Huo yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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