Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 841 Cold Night VS Kuanglong

Chapter 841 Cold Night VS Kuanglong (11)
Shui Rulan was also happy, and nodded with a smile.

Up to this moment, the hearts of the girls were also relieved.

"Brother Leng, I can't move with the seven-step soul-chasing knife, you run seven steps away!" Kuang Long said anxiously, he didn't expect that Leng Ye would actually be slaughtered for the sake of "righteousness".

"Brother Kuanglong, thank you! Life and death are fate!"

So far, the titles of both parties have also changed, and the distance between them has also shortened a lot.

However, the Chiye Knife was ruthless, and flew towards Leng Ye again under the eyes of everyone. It was strong and brave, and pierced through Leng Ye's chest. To the surprise of almost everyone, it flew out from the back of the heart—— Pass through!

At the same time, Leng Ye's eyes darkened, and he also lost consciousness.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by the mad dragon, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

He Shibi's resurrection was only a momentary event, so, except for Shuang'er, Shui Rulan and Leng Ye himself, the people present had no idea that Leng Ye had died under the knife of the wild dragon.

Since Leng Ye didn't really die, the system didn't give Kuanglong any hints.As a result, at this moment, Kuang Long was both startled and stupid, and stood there dumbfounded, looking at Chiye Knife, dumbstruck.

"The leader is invincible! Long live the leader..."

Immediately there was warm applause and shouts from the crowd of the Sword Demon God's Palace, applauding for their guild leader Leng Ye, and proud of them for having such a strong character.

"Leng Ye is so powerful! You are indeed the leader of the world's number one gang! He has more than [-] blood, which is more blood than the legendary hidden professional paladin!"

"Leng Ye is absolutely worthless. He won't die even after being stabbed seven times by the leader of the clan. Awesome! Really awesome!"

"It must be that the leader of the gang has shown mercy, otherwise, Leng Ye would have died long ago."


"How is it possible! The sixth cut of the 'Seven Step Soul Chasing Knife' has already knocked out the blood of Leng Ye [-]. How could the last cut not kill Leng Ye! Brother Long, what's wrong with you?"

The crowd who dominated the world also exploded, some praised Leng Ye, and some praised Kuanglong.Among them, the last sentence was uttered by Yingying. She knew the essence of Kuanglong's "Seven-step Soul Chasing Knife", and she was puzzled.

"How could he survive the last strike! That's a [-] attack that ignores defense!" Kuanglong murmured, feeling more and more mysterious about Leng Ye.

"Husband, are you alright?"

"Husband is great!"


Several girls gathered around and greeted Leng Ye one by one.One man and twelve women, under the watchful eye of all, the men are handsome, and the women are pretty, making the men and women present both envious and jealous.The all-pervasive and onlooker "reporters" took out their cameras one after another, and took pictures of this classic scene in "Ling Yun", and then published it on the forum.

"Husband, do you think the 'Seven-Step Soul Chasing Knife' is a bit evil?" Shui Rulan asked suddenly.

Just when Leng Ye was about to answer, he suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Sister-in-law really has good eyesight. Now, I really should admire Brother Leng." While talking, he clapped his hands and applauded.

(End of this chapter)

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