Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 857 Best Partner

Chapter 857 Best Partner (10)
"Brother Long, didn't you tell me that there were 1 people in the treasure hunting team going in with us?" Yingying blurted out.

Look again, Kuanglong's face suddenly turned red.Shuang'er even looked at Kuanglong with a cannibalistic look, wishing to tear him into pieces to avenge being cheated.

"Then...I went in first that day, and then...inexplicably...for some reason...the treasure hunting team of the gang happened to pass by, and I asked them to take the blame for me based on the principle of no need for nothing and a quick solution. That's it...hehe! Hehe!" Kuanglong said hesitantly while rubbing his scalp, with a very unnatural look.

"Cut~~ swollen face to make you fat. You said it, you can't move when you use the seven-step soul-seeking knife, and the devil believes that the gods and beasts are mentally retarded to the point where you kill them for nothing!" Shuang'er said.

"Yes! Yes! Sister-in-law is right!" Kuanglong said hurriedly.

"Xiaolong, you have been rambling on for a long time, but you still haven't explained how the Baihuavine will be slaughtered for nothing, right?" Leng Ye asked.

"What my elder brother taught me is that I will keep my words simple in the future. Brother and sister-in-law, let's start with the 'four gods'. The so-called 'four gods' are naturally 'wind', 'rain', 'thunder' Change' and 'Electrical Change'. After using the 'Four God Changes', they will respectively increase their four attributes by [-] times within [-] minutes, but after these [-] minutes, in the next [-] minutes, their whole body They will collapse, and all attributes will drop to the lowest point - only [-], and they can't return to the city within these [-] minutes. Therefore, the 'Four God Transformation' cannot be used easily, once used, the enemy will be destroyed Today, the four of them showed off, mainly to let you see their strength, brother, and let you know that they are not fools." Kuanglong said.

"Brother Xiaolong, if sister-in-law heard correctly, you haven't said why Baihuavine didn't attack the four elders?" Shuang'er said.

"My sister-in-law taught me that I must keep my words simple in the future. I wonder if my brother and sister-in-law have seen 'absolute defense'? There are two types of absolute defense, one is fighters, and the other is priests. Warriors The Absolute Defense is the real Absolute Defense. Once it is turned on, it will be invulnerable to swords and arrows. The disadvantage is that the time is short; the Absolute Defense of Priests is not invincible. It gives people the illusion of being 'invulnerable to swords and guns, impenetrable by magic arrows'. In fact, as long as the attack reaches a certain value, it can still be breached. However, generally speaking, only warriors and priests with wisdom roots can comprehend the corresponding absolute defense In addition, it depends on the suit. The absolute defense attached to the suit is also different, and they are also divided into fighters and priests. However, fighter suits may also come with priests. Defense and priest suits may also have fighter-like absolute defense, which is more random. Just like the four great artifact suits on the four elders, they are all priest-like absolute defense, which lasts long enough, but It can only be effective against monsters of middle-level divine beasts and below. Moreover, the activation of the absolute defense on the four major artifact suits is also limited, that is, it must be performed and disappeared at the same time as the 'Four Divine Changes'. Also, Even if you stand in front of a monster after the fighter's absolute defense is turned on, it will ignore you, but after the priest's absolute defense is turned on, the monster will still know your existence and attack you tentatively. Brother, Sister-in-law, I don’t know if you noticed just now that Baihuateng didn’t really not attack the Fourth Elder, it just hit a few times tentatively and stopped when it found that it didn’t break the defense. Brother and sister-in-law, do you understand now? " Kuanglong said.

(End of this chapter)

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