Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 858 Best Partner

Chapter 858 Best Partner (11)
Leng Ye nodded, thinking: "Even the analysis of absolute defense is so clear, the mad dragon is not easy!"

At this moment, Xuemei and Yanyan shot the divine weapon arrows at the same time, hitting Baihuateng's body at the same time, and then Baihuateng disappeared in a burst of white light, revealing a lot of equipment.

"Husband, the experience is so high! It directly increased by [-] (percent sign) ([-] (percent sign) of upgrade experience)." Xuemei shouted to Leng Ye.

"Husband, a fairy weapon unexpectedly exploded!" Shuang'er picked up a sickle-shaped thing from the ground and said.

Leng Ye took a look, and found that it was a well-identified one with a very prestigious name - Death Scythe, Immortal Artifact, Growth Weapon, Attack [-]-[-], and it also comes with two NB skills that can grow, holding it in his hand Very light and agile, but there is a faint desire to slaughter, which makes Leng Ye's heart beat.

However, when Leng Ye saw the requirement to use the weapon, he was stunned, feeling dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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