Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 859 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 859 The Path of the Elves (1)
"Honey, what's wrong with you?" Shui Rulan asked after seeing Leng Ye's strangeness.

Leng Ye smiled and handed the death sickle to Shui Rulan, and soon heard her scream: "Farmer? Is there such a profession?"

Hearing Shui Rulan's exclamation, everyone gathered around to watch.Every time the death scythe is passed into the hands of a person, that person will scream in shock, even people with status like Kuanglong and Jindao are no exception.

"It would be great if my father was still alive. With this scythe, his annual income will definitely be much better than mowing grass and wheat!" Leng Ye exclaimed.As he spoke, a sad look flashed in his eyes.To be honest, his father had long been blurred in Leng Ye's consciousness.

"Husband—" Seeing Leng Ye's helplessness, Shuang'er walked over, tugged at his arm, and called out softly.It was such an ordinary sound, but it was full of Shuang'er's tender and caring feelings.

"Shuang'er, I'm fine. I haven't seen you for a long time. I just miss them a little bit." Leng Ye smiled and said.He didn't want to worry the girls, but he was also very helpless, just feeling the situation.

"Brother, since you miss your uncle so much, I think it's better to bury his Death Scythe on the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain. Then erect a monument to show your filial piety." Kuanglong blurted out when he saw Leng Ye's helplessness.

"Damn! You can say that too. Of course such a good weapon is going to be used to fight devils. If I go to waste, my father will know, and he will definitely not let me go." Leng Ye smiled and reprimanded The mad dragon took a bite.

"It has [-] (percentage) attack against plant-type can be uprooted, and it can defeat the enemy's spirit...a fairy weapon, but it can eventually grow into a super-sacred weapon...Cow, it's really awesome! Brother, if we can find such a If a farmer comes, the journey of the elves will be smooth." Kuanglong said, holding the death scythe in his hand, as if cutting the grass.

Leng Ye smiled helplessly, and said, "Take it for now, and give it to patriots for free when you meet patriots later."

"It's free, brother, aren't you a bit too generous? Although this scythe is only used by farmers and unemployed people, it can eventually grow into a super artifact, and it's worth at least one billion eight hundred million!" Long said hurriedly.

"Hehe, I thought of giving it away just because it is valuable. Just imagine, how much annual income can a farmer have? I'm afraid that the people in a village or a town may not be able to afford this scythe." Leng Ye said while looking at it. Glancing at Kuanglong, he said again: "Of course, the credit for killing Baihuateng is mainly due to the four elders. If you don't want to, big brother, I will definitely not force it."

"Brother, you look down on me too much by saying that. Brothers of one billion or eight billion can't see it. From the moment they decided to hang out with you, they decided to listen to what Big Brother said and go with Big Brother. Do whatever you want... Big brother eats meat and I drink soup..."

Leng Ye waved his hand, signaling Kuanglong to stop, looked at the four elders who dominated the world and recovered, and said, "Let's go!"

Everyone is obedient.

(End of this chapter)

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