Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 862 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 862 The Path of the Elves (4)
"Brother Long, let's go too! You and elder brother can rest at the side!" Yingying said.

Once Yingying and Yanyan, two female archers at level [-], joined, the battle would become much easier.This also made Leng Ye feel relieved, sat on the grass beside him, and enjoyed everyone's performance with peace of mind.

As soon as Leng Ye sat down, he saw many white silks suddenly appearing from the sky above the white elf fairy, descending from the sky, and immediately trapped the white elf fairy tightly.

"No wonder the little wife didn't take the initiative to invite Ying this time, so she has already signed up secretly!" Leng Ye muttered.

The little wife Leng Ye was talking about was naturally Shuangju.These silks are also the masterpiece of the little girl Shuang Ju, who used the skill of trapping the white elf to trap the fairy.

I don't know if everyone has already had a tacit understanding. After the white elf fairy was trapped, Jin Dao and a few women immediately started a crazy attack on that cute little girl——

Jin Dao held the Yum Knife tightly in both hands and charged forward. He didn't know what skill he used. With a golden light on his head, every time he cut the knife, he could knock out more than [-] blood from the white elf fairy. He was the most impressive among the attackers.

Bauhinia did not show any weakness either. Seeing Fairy White Fairy's finger, she directly used one of the knight's ultimate skills - a critical blow, her life bottomed out instantly, however, she killed more than [-] of Fairy White Fairy's Blood, the little girl was so excited, she drove the dragon horse around the white elf fairy to show off.

The Nine Heavens Profound Bow in Xuemei's hand is also very powerful, each shot can destroy more than [-] blood volume of Fairy White Fairy, which shows the power of super divine weapon.The penetrating ability of the Nine Heavens Profound Bow (arrow), the probability of ignoring the defense, and the occasional multiple damage caused a fatal blow to the white elf fairy.

What moved Leng Ye the most was the combination of Yingying and Yanyan.I also don't know if the two divine bows in the hands of the second daughter-the Sun-shooting Bow and the Moon-shooting Bow have any origins. Sent out, shooting at the white elf fairy at a very small angle, they will all shoot at the same position on its body.What is even more surprising is that the two arrows will also collide inside the body of the white elf fairy, causing a slight explosion, which will cause greater additional damage to the white elf fairy. (According to Leng Ye's observation, once the two arrows touch the white elf fairy, it will knock out nearly [-] blood, and after the explosion, it will increase the damage by [-].)
Frost Juice's Heaven and Earth Net can only trouble the immortal beast for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the white elf fairy will break free. With its speed, no one can beat it except Peng'er.Leng Ye was well aware of this, and intentionally not to spoil everyone's luck, he quietly recruited the ice silkworm, and controlled it with his thoughts to slowly come to the back of the white elf fairy.

I don't know if the beautiful little girl in front of me is dumb, or because she was transformed from a plant-type monster. From the beginning to the end, she was silent, but when she was attacked by knives and arrows, she showed pain on her face.Otherwise, not to mention the little girl begging for mercy, even if she hummed slightly, Jin Dao and the girls would feel compassion and stop.

(End of this chapter)

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