Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 863 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 863 The Path of the Elves (5)
What's more, whether it is the Yum Knife of the Golden Knife, the Roland Spear of the Bauhinia Flower, or the bow and arrow of Xuemei and others, if they hit the little girl, they will not cause any "trauma" to her, otherwise, the little girl will already be flesh and blood. Blurred and horrible.

The only thing that can determine how many people can cause damage to the little girl is the red letter representing the damage value that is constantly floating up on the little girl's face.

"Brother...Brother, when did this little sister-in-law have such perverted skills that she was able to control the beast! Admire! Admire!" After a long time, the mad dragon said in shock, staring at the silk on the white elf fairy's body, his eyes glazed over .

"This... I got it the first time I saw him, and it can catch my super beast pet!" Leng Ye said.

Leng Ye was right. The first time he saw Shuangju was in the Sunset Plain, and he heard the voice of the Garuda, which was still a super divine beast at that time. At that time, the level of Shuangju's net was still very low It can only trap ordinary bosses and low-level pets of players.But today, the skill of Tianluodiwang has reached the god level, and it can trap fairy beasts. Perhaps, in the not-too-distant future, it can trap divine beasts or super divine beasts.

"Brother...Brother, the worst of your pets is the beast. mean that the skills of the little sister-in-law can trap the beast?" Hearing Leng Ye's words, Kuanglong was even more surprised.

"I don't know about that." Leng Ye smiled.He didn't lie either, firstly, his mind was only on the girls, he seldom asked about their equipment, levels and skills, and secondly, maybe Shuangju's skills had already surpassed the god level at this moment.

"Brother, how long can sister-in-law's net be trapped? Will she break free?" Mad Dragon asked again.

As soon as his words fell, the silk trapped on the white elf fairy disappeared. As soon as the white elf fairy broke free, the white elf bow in her hand was bent, and it scattered towards Jin Dao and the others.

What was daunting was that Fairy White Fairy's attack turned out to be an indiscriminate range attack that ignored defense. "One arrow" went down and caused [-] damage to Jindao, Bauhinia, Xuemei, Yingying, and Yanyan.

Jindao is a warrior, and Bauhinia is a knight. Of course, the [-] attacks did not pose any threat to their lives.However, Xuemei, Yingying and Yanyan are anemic archers, even if they have suits (Xuemei's dark gold level wood elf suit, Yingying's god level sun shooting set, Yanyan's god level moon shooting set) It is also absolutely difficult to withstand the three arrow attacks of the white elf fairy.

"How could this be?" Leng Ye exclaimed with a sudden change of expression.

He has been watching the silk bound on the body of the white elf fairy, and at the moment it disappeared, Leng Ye had already used his consciousness to control the ice silkworm to use the "ice silkworm poison".However, to Leng Ye's dismay, the ice silkworm's silk had no effect on the white elf fairy.

"Dizzy~~ I even forgot that the ice silkworm poison is only effective on monsters below the level of fairy beasts!" Leng Ye suddenly realized that he had made a fatal mistake, and cast a magic step on his feet, just as the third arrow shot by the elf fairy At the same time, he came to the bow of the white elf fairy, blocking the direction of the arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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