Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 874 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 874 The Path of the Elves (16)
"Sister Fairy, threaten her, threaten her!" Leng Ye tried to communicate with the purple elf fairy with his mind, while talking and gesticulating, pointing at himself for a while, and pointing at the purple elf fairy for a while.

I don't know if Fairy Purple Fairy understands Leng Ye's words, let alone understands Leng Ye's hand gestures, but she said: "Brother-in-law, we have something to say first, whoever loses has to agree to a condition. Otherwise, you will suffer from lightning strikes from the sky.”

"Yes!" Leng Yexi said.

Fairy Purple Fairy said to Bauhinia again: "Sister, if you don't take me back right now, I'll make my brother-in-law commit suicide and go back to level zero!"

"Zi'er, I'm sorry for you. It's because my husband is not good. It's because my husband underestimates the enemy." Leng Ye hugged the Bauhinia flower tightly, constantly blaming himself, and said: "I am a lovebird in the sky, and I am willing to be Lian Lizhi in the ground." , May we grow old together. My husband’s level will be cleared to zero today, and I don’t think you will ‘live’, so let’s go back to level zero, shall we?”

"Okay!...Don't! No! No!" Bauhinia screamed and cried, "Old...husband, I...I don't want your level to be cleared, I...I'll take her back right away."

I don't know whether it was the redbud flower that brought the purple elf fairy back, or the purple elf fairy took the redbud flower out. In short, the two of them stepped on the teleportation array of a magic symbol released by the purple elf fairy, and then disappeared in the cold night vision among.

"Zi'er, my husband has no choice but to live or die here, so let my husband deal with any difficulties alone." Leng Ye sighed, and said: "The purple elf fairy should be a good 'pet', Cute, beautiful and smart, you are lucky to have her when you come here."

Thinking of this, Leng Ye smiled happily again.

Without worries, Leng Ye continued on.

After walking along the cecum path, Leng Ye suddenly stopped and thought: "The white elf fairy and the purple elf fairy both appeared in the middle of the road. If I don't take the path, can I avoid them?" Already? Hehe!" Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help laughing, and then he walked among the colorful five-petaled flowers and walked forward.

However, before he walked a few steps, Leng Ye felt itchy all over his body, as if stung by a black mosquito, the itching tinged with pain.

"Could it be possible to avoid monsters blocking the road here? Uh--it should be, or the system wouldn't use such low-level methods to hone people's will!" Leng Ye was more sure of his guess, and endured Go ahead.

No matter how long the road is, it will come to an end.Leng Ye suffered from the pain for more than half a day, and finally he saw the sun and saw the end of the five-petal flower.At the end there is an endless world of green and fragrant grass.

"Damn it, when is this a head!" Leng Ye scolded.Seeing the winding cecum path running through the grass like a winding worm, stretching all the way to the boundless blue sky in the distance, Leng Ye's heart suddenly became more cheerful.

(End of this chapter)

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