Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 875 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 875 The Path of the Elves (17)
As soon as Leng Ye raised his right foot, he suddenly remembered the earnest teachings of his elementary school teacher. He looked at the delicate grass and wanted to trample on it, but he couldn't bear it.

"Walking on small roads may lead to encountering enemies, at least you will lose rank, and at worst you will lose your life. Walking on the grass may be safe, but it is too public moral." Leng Ye thought about it, and quickly made up his mind: "Flowers and plants are never Regardless of family, how could someone say trample on flowers and grass! Since the flowers are all trampled, do you still care about the grass? What's more, it's just a game!"

"Hey!" Leng Ye smiled and dropped his right foot.

Leng Ye's feet are [-], and a small piece of grass was trampled and broken under this step, so that the "criminal evidence" of Leng Ye's trampling was clearly left in the land of fragrant grass.If Leng Ye looked back, he might jump out immediately, however, Leng Ye's eyes, like his heart, were moving forward at this moment.

"Someone asked me before, whether flowers are better than grass, and I have never been able to give a definite answer. But now it is different, and I can tell you clearly that grass is better than flowers. Because walking on the grass has a light feeling , but walking among the flowers has to endure pain." Leng Ye said to himself.

At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly heard a piercing female voice screaming: "Come out, come out!"

Leng Ye heard the sound and looked, not far away on the cecum path, a woman (girl) with a tattered straw hat and rough cloth clothes was yelling towards this side. Hearing the sound, Leng Ye was more sure that the other party was a young girl.

"If someone still asks me whether the flowers are better or the grass is better, I will definitely say that the flowers are better. Because at least you won't be found by monsters in the flowers!" Leng Ye quickly overturned the conclusion he had just reached a minute ago, sighed.

"This is her territory, I guess I won't be able to escape!" Leng Ye was sure that he had no way to escape, and immediately drew out his lazy sword, ready to fight at any time.After a divine apprehension technique, Leng Ye showed a surprised expression, and murmured: " did this happen?"

Because Leng Ye only saw the girl's name—Little Pepper, and she was unknown.That is to say, the opponent is a player, not a monster & NPC. (Divinity can only see the player's name, but not other information about the player.)
"If you can't get out, if you don't... if you don't come out... then get out!" Xiaojiao said angrily. Obviously, she was already furious with anger.

"This little girl is too savage. Why did he let me go out? Could it be that she planted the grass here? It doesn't have to be so delicate! I'll be angry with her for now!" Leng Ye was a little aggrieved and also a little happy, Taking advantage of the trend, he fell and rolled.

"You... you bastard, come out quickly!" Little Pepper cursed, and then cried "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

"Why is it that the hotter the girl, the more she can't help making trouble!" Leng Ye sighed, hurriedly got up from the ground, and with a stray step, he jumped in front of the girl.

Hearing the girl's crying and watching the girl's movement of wiping her tears, Leng Ye couldn't help feeling a little distressed at this moment, and then blamed himself.

(End of this chapter)

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