Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 895 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 895 The Path of the Elves (37)
Leng Ye thought about it for a while, and had no idea, but in order to calm Xiaojiao's heart, he said, "Go up the mountain!"

However, just as Leng Ye took a step, a puff of blue smoke rose in front of him, and then a tall man with a beard appeared in front of Leng Ye.The bearded man is more than two meters tall, with a fat body, holding a mountain ax in his hand, with a ferocious face, staring at Leng Ye with wide eyes.

"Haunting the mountains, it's either a bandit or a thief." Thinking like this, Leng Ye used a magic skill and saw the attributes of the bearded man.

Right Protector of Elven Mountain: middle-ranked red-grade beast, δ-type plant monster, life [-] million, attack [-], defense [-], speed [-], skill: Accurate Strike (increases the hit rate of Elf Mountain Right Protector in mobile combat, more Effectively attack the enemy), Fury of the Elf (with the help of the great power of the Elf God to produce a combo effect), Berserk (make the right guardian of the Elf Mountain go into a state of berserk, instantly increase the attack power by [-] times, and at the same time reduce the defense to the original One-fifth), hardening ([-] (percent sign) chance to resist the fatal effect of the weapon), transfiguration (the right guardian of the Elf Mountain can restore the original form of the plant, and after recovery, all attributes will increase by [-] (percent sign)).

"There are actually five skills!!! this the ultimate state of a warrior?" Leng Ye exclaimed after seeing the attributes of the right guardian.

At this moment, Guardian You shouted: "Bold thieves, dare to trespass on the Elf Mountain and pollute the Elf Spring. You can bear it."

"Elf Spring? It's really here!" Leng Ye was overjoyed when he heard that, and instinctively took two steps back, saying: "Master Right Protector, we have no intention of offending Elf Mountain, it's just that my brother and sister were 'disfigured' , I just want to borrow a pot of elf spring water to wash my face, and I hope the right protector will do it!"

"What? How precious is the elf spring water, and you want to use it to wash your face? You even use a basin! Ignorant junior, leave quickly, or don't blame the giant ax in my hand for being ruthless!" the right guardian said angrily.

"Master Right Protector, we really sincerely came to ask for the spring water of the elves, and I hope you will give it to us."

"Go away!"

"Master Right Protector, if I don't get the spirit spring water, I will never leave Lengye."

"It's courting death! If you want the spirit spring water, eat me with an ax first!" The right guardian said angrily, swung the giant ax in his hands with both hands, and hit Leng Ye.

The speed of the right protector's attack is not fast, but from the tense muscles on his two arms, it can be clearly seen that the power of his ax cannot be underestimated.Leng Ye is confident that if he is hit by this ax that is an intermediary beast, his nod will most likely be chopped off.

Just when the ax was between himself and the right guardian, Leng Ye stepped forward and dodged to the right, avoiding it.Before the right protector could react, Leng Ye quickly jumped five or six meters up the mountain with lost steps.Looking at Guardian You who was still in a daze, Leng Ye couldn't help sneering.

Just when Leng Ye was triumphant, he suddenly bumped into a hard object while running, and then he felt unbearable pain all over his body, and then he was bounced back.

(End of this chapter)

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