Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 896 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 896 The Path of the Elves (38)
"Yaya's, what is it?" Leng Ye cursed, and looked up, it turned out to be the right protector.Looking at his right arm again, it was bleeding, and there was a wound on it.

"Could it be teleportation, one of the ultimate skills of the legendary magician? A high-attack fighter who can teleport, this is too perverted!" Leng Ye sighed.He originally planned to use speed to get rid of this big fat man who seemed to have limited mobility, but now it seems that he died again.

"As the right protector of the Elf Mountain, he has the responsibility to protect the Elf Mountain. What's more, there is an Elf Spring on the mountain, so it is natural to be able to teleport. After all, there are more than one person who tried to go up the mountain, and they all did not go up the mountain from the same place. "Leng Ye thought so.

"Leng Ye, you are not my opponent. I think you are a hero, retreat quickly, and I can spare you, otherwise, you will just wait to make meat sauce." Said the man's voice.

"Master Right Protector, of course I don't want to make meat sauce. You old man can't be flexible, I really need fairy spring water!" Leng Ye said again.

"The elf spring water is extremely precious, and it's not something ordinary people can enjoy. With your current strength, you're still far behind!" Guardian Right said.

"Since you can tell me this, it means there is still something to be done." Leng Ye was overjoyed, and said, "Master Right Protector, you are brave, handsome, unrivaled in martial arts, powerful in magic, you can kill gods when you meet gods, and kill Buddhas when you meet Buddhas." ... Even if I practice for 100 years, 1000 years, 1 years, I will definitely not be your opponent! No matter how high my strength is, how high can I go!"

"It's true, how can you be my opponent." The right protector laughed wildly.

"Praise you for a few words and you'll be gone. You don't blush. There is a way." Leng Ye thought this way, and said loudly: "Master You Protector, actually... Actually, I have another important purpose for coming here, I don't know Should it be said or not?"

"What purpose do you have? Although speaking, my right protector is famous for being magnanimous. Even if you make a mistake, I won't blame you." Right protector smiled.

"Actually, it's not true that I came here this time to seek water from the fairy spring. In fact... I actually came here just because of the name, and I came here specifically to find you, Protector You?" Leng Ye said.

"Come to look for me because of the name? Why are you looking for me? Why are you looking for me?" Right Guardian said in surprise.

"I've heard that the right protector is very strong in martial arts, especially with a good mountain axe, it's easy to split the sky and the earth. I came here to learn the art because of the reputation." Leng Ye said.

"Appreciate a teacher to study art?"

"Although Leng Ye is the leader of the largest gang of sword demons in China, but I know that my martial arts cultivation has reached a bottleneck, and if I want to improve, it is as good as reaching the sky. I have heard for a long time that the martial arts of the right guardian of the Fairy Mountain are unrivaled and unparalleled in the world. , Therefore, I traveled thousands of miles to Elven Mountain, and begged the right protector to give me some advice, so that I can build the Sword Demon Shrine even stronger in the future, so as to give glory to China. And...and I will definitely build a sword demon in the residence of the Sword Demon Shrine. A huge statue of the right protector, worshiped by hundreds of millions of people."

(End of this chapter)

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