Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 911 Reincarnation

Chapter 911 Reincarnation (1)
"Honey, it's not bad! It only took a few days for you to open up a different dimension." Seeing Leng Ye, Shuang'er rushed forward and joked.

"Honey, you triggered the task of the stamina system so early, you must be scolded." Shui Rulan was not as happy as Shuang'er, and said with a straight face.

"Lan Lan, are you kidding? Doesn't the opening of the stamina system mean that the game has developed a step further? What's wrong with me? Why should I be scolded?" Leng Ye was at a loss when he heard Shui Rulan's words.

"Husband, are you really ignorant or are you just pretending not to know? Don't you know that the stamina system has seriously affected the player's ability to fight monsters and upgrade?"

Although Leng Ye knew that he had learned skills that required patience from his master, he didn't think Shui Rulan and others would do the same, so he shook his head firmly.

"Honey, I'm almost mad at you! Look at your attributes."

Leng Ye opened his attribute panel again, and what he saw were those numbers that made him sad. Disappointed again, he shook his head depressedly.

"Husband, are you alright?"


"Don't be too sad. Although the stamina system has just been released, everyone will have opinions, but after a long time, everyone will get used to it."

"Dare Lan Lan thought I saw the setting of the so-called stamina system? What exactly is the stamina system?" Leng Ye was puzzled and asked, "Lan Lan, my attributes are quite special. To what. What happened?"

"Honey, it's like this..."

After listening to Shui Rulan's eloquent explanation, Leng Ye finally understood.In order to further increase the authenticity of the game, the system has specially developed an endurance system, which is roughly as follows:
[-]. Stamina consumption: Every time the player uses active skills [-] times, the patience will be automatically reduced by [-]; if the player is in the walking state, the endurance will be reduced by [-] per hour; if the player is in the state of killing monsters, the endurance will be reduced by [-] per hour; The hourly endurance is automatically reduced by [-]; the hourly endurance of the living player is reduced by [-] during work.

[-]. Increase of patience: Every time the player is online for [-] hour, the patience will automatically increase by [-]; every time the player upgrades to a level, the patience will automatically increase by [-]; when the player is resting in pubs, hotels and other places, the patience will be increased by [-] every hour; every morning, the player's The resistance is automatically restored to the initial value of the same value as its own level.

[-]. The increase and consumption of patience in other aspects are determined by the system intelligence.

"Husband, I'm level [-] now, and I have [-] patience points every morning, plus [-] hours a day online, a total of [-] patience points. If I kill monsters all day, I will consume [-] patience points in [-] hours, so I only have [-] attribute points left. If I use them all to release skills, I can only release [-]. On average, I only release [-] per hour, that is, more than two points per skill.

(End of this chapter)

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