Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 912 Reincarnation

Chapter 912 Reincarnation (2)
If I am in PK all day, [-] resistance points will be consumed in [-] hours, so I only have [-] resistance points left.If they are all used to release skills, then only [-] can be released.On average, there are only about [-] skills in an hour, that is, about [-] to [-] minutes to play a skill.

This is still ideal.For many professions, it is inevitable to use two or three spells at the same time, which means that the number of times the player can use skills is greatly limited.However, this also highlights the importance of skills in combat.

..." Shui Rulan talked endlessly about her experience with the stamina system.

After hearing this, Leng Ye began to realize that the stamina system had greatly changed the game to some extent, as to whether it was really as Shui Rulan analyzed, he still didn't dare to jump to a conclusion.What he wants to do most now is to change his status as soon as possible, or change jobs as soon as possible.

Leng Ye took off two fused He's Bi from his neck, handed it to Shuang'er, and said, "Shuang'er, these are two fused He's Bi, you must take good care of it."

"Honey, why don't you bring it?"

"I've already made an appointment with Longquan and Baicao, I have something important to do!" Leng Ye said vaguely.

"Honey, do you have something to hide from us?" Shuang'er asked.

"It's nothing, you will find out later. Don't worry, my husband will be fine. Remember, you must take good care of these two pieces of jade." Leng Ye said goodbye to Shuang'er, and brought Shui Rulan to Sword Demon The blacksmith shop in the city.

"Longquan, Baicao, are you all ready?" Leng Ye asked.

"Brother, do you really want to do this?" Zhu Longquan asked.

"Brother's future is uncertain, doing so can at least make Lazy Sword come true, we are making money and not accompanying us!" Leng Ye laughed.

"Brother, I'm ready." Chang Baicao said while holding a fairy artefact collection bag.

Leng Ye closed his eyes and said, "Lan Lan, come on!"

"Honey, you—I—"

"Let's leave you and me alone, sooner or later, whether it's a blessing or a disaster, if it's a disaster you can't avoid it, come on!" Leng Ye said with a firm tone.

The PK mode in the city was turned on, and the husband and wife PK mode was turned on. Shui Rulan closed her eyes and used her unique skill against Leng Ye—seven life-killing knives.

With the sound of swishing..., the dragon-slaying knife in Shui Rulan's hand quickly hit Leng Ye's body. Although Shui Rulan had feelings for Leng Ye, once the seven life-threatening knives came out, within [-] seconds, Tu But the dragon knife was ruthless, with a fierce attack, hitting Leng Ye fiercely.

Every time Leng Ye frowned involuntarily, but in order to take care of Shui Rulan's feelings, he endured it, tried his best to relax himself, and didn't make any sound.

Shui Rulan at level [-] has an attack of [-], with seven life-threatening knives, even if the [-] (percent) chance of ignoring defense on the dragon-slaying knife does not appear, it will still hit [-] times the attack, that is More than [-] injuries.Not to mention Leng Ye's defense, even the paladin with the highest life in this world would definitely not be able to withstand this blow.

(End of this chapter)

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