Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 914 Reincarnation

Chapter 914 Reincarnation (4)
At this moment, Shui Rulan and the other three obviously also saw Leng Ye's depressed expression.However, when Leng Ye expressed his doubts, not to mention Shui Rulan, even Zhu Longquan, who owns "Ou Yezi Collection" and "Shen Nong Baicao Jing", was helpless.

"Could it be that after absorbing the spring water of the sky, the energy is too high, and the attributes are hidden?" Thinking like this, Leng Ye reached into the ring of space, trying to take out the lazy sword, and swung it a few times.

However, a piercing system beep completely shattered Leng Ye's dream.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye is in the reincarnation state and cannot use weapons.

"Reincarnation state?" Leng Ye was puzzled, and then, facing Shui Rulan, he used his thoughts to give birth to the Divine Appreciation Technique.However, the thing that made Leng Ye depressed continued, and he heard the same harsh system notification sound as before: the player Leng Ye is in the reincarnation state and cannot use skills.

Leng Ye went through various attempts in vain, and finally, he thought of the mysterious Peng'er. However, when he summoned Peng'er with his mind, the ear-piercing voice rang out again—the player Leng Ye was in a state of reincarnation and could not be summoned. pet.

With a face down, holding on to the last hope, Leng Ye had to turn on the master and apprentice caller again, intending to let the two masters from Elf Mountain give advice.However, the things that disappointed him continued, and he heard the harsh and merciless notification sound from the system again.

"Don't worry about it, Lan Lan, let's go back to sleep!" Leng Ye said angrily.

However, just when Leng Ye was about to rush out of the door, the most unbearable thing happened to him - he heard the ruthless notification sound from the system: the player Leng Ye was in a reincarnation state and could not walk.

"Could it be that my energy really can't control the spring water of the sky?" Leng Ye couldn't help but think of his master's advice.However, it is too late now.At this moment, Leng Ye was almost desperate.

"Honey, I'll carry you back to rest!" Shui Rulan said.

"Hey! Why go back! You can only look at it, not touch it." Leng Ye sighed.

Shui Rulan naturally heard Leng Ye's thoughts, and when she saw Longquan Baicao, her face turned red, and she said anxiously: "Husband!!! What are you talking about!"

"I'm really a useless person now! No, I'm a useless person! I really have no face to face Jiangdong's elders..." Leng Ye muttered.

Shui Rulan didn't want to embarrass Leng Ye again, so without saying a word, she carried him on her back and walked out of the gate of the blacksmith shop.

The blacksmith's shop is a short distance from the Sword Demon Building. Although Shui Rulan is a berserk warrior with a dragon-slaying knife in her hand, she gallops on the battlefield without any disadvantages. After walking a few hundred steps, he was already panting and sweating profusely.

Not long after, a system prompt came from Shui Rulan's ear: Player Shui Rulan's patience is close to zero, please pay attention to rest.

"Even if I die, I will carry you back to the Sword Demon Building!" Shui Rulan gritted her teeth and continued on her way.

"Lan Lan, let me down! Let me down..." Leng Ye yelled weakly, and after a while, his voice became hoarse and he couldn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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