Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 915 Reincarnation

Chapter 915 Reincarnation (5)
Shui Rulan ignored Leng Ye and continued walking behind her back.

Shui Rulan walked more and more slowly, more and more slowly, staggered, wobbly, and gradually became unstable.Of course, Shui Rulan thought of letting Shuang'er and others come over to help, but if that was the case, she always felt that it was not like that, and she didn't believe that even her husband couldn't carry her back home.Holding such a belief, Shui Rulan continued to persevere, persevere...

Suddenly, Shui Rulan's right foot went limp, her body tilted to the right, crooked, and fell down together with Leng Ye on her back.

I don't know if Leng Ye had good luck or bad luck today, the moment he fell to the ground, he became Shui Rulan's back.For a man, especially a man who loves him dearly, it is an infinitely glorious thing to take the back of his beloved woman. At the same time as he was on top of him, his eyes went dark, and the system's notification sound followed.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye was killed by Shui Rulan...

Leng Ye's eyes lit up, and he was surprised to find that he was not at the resurrection point in Sword Demon City as before.He looked at the surrounding environment, feeling a little strange, but also a little familiar.

"Where am I?" Leng Ye was very curious and couldn't help taking a few steps forward.After walking a few steps, Leng Ye screamed again: "Oh my god! I can go."

Overjoyed, Leng Ye quickly opened his attributes and took a look. He was both surprised and depressed.

Player: Leng Ye / Occupation: Sword Demon / Rank: First Class Heaven / Level [-]-[-] Experience [-] (percent sign)
Magic: [-] / Speed: [-] / Comprehension: [-] / Resistance: [-] / Prestige: [-] / Prestige: [-] / Hidden attribute: Unknown.

Skill: Dugu Nine Swords (Sword Demon Dugu Qiubai's exquisite swordsmanship, the sword moves are varied, the conditions of use are related to comprehension and reputation, and the power is related to magic. Every time you use a move, you will consume [-] stamina.)
Skill: Both Good and Evil (The attribute is unknown and cannot be used temporarily.)
Six Stars Around the Sun (Combined skill, usable times [-], must be used together with teammates Frost, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn. Powerful, limited to level [-]. Unlimited level with wedding ring. Stamina consumption [-].)
Big Dipper Formation (Combined skill, can be used [-] times, must be used together with teammates Hanshuanger, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn. It is extremely powerful, limited to level [-]. It is not limited to levels with the wedding ring. Stamina consumption [-].)
North Pole Big Dipper Formation (Combined skills, extremely powerful, limited to level [-]. Stamina consumption [-].)
Whirling Sword: Self-created sword technique, which combines the essence of Breaking Sword Style and Losing Step, and can instantly strike multiple enemies around you. The attack is related to the power of Breaking Sword Style.Basic, upgradeable.Stamina consumption [-].

Spirit Snake Sword Righteousness: God-level passive skill, current level [-], sword frequency [-].Every time the player draws the sword, it can instantly produce [-] times the damage, thus causing [-] times the damage to the enemy.Stamina cost [-].

(End of this chapter)

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