Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 928 Shocking Change

Chapter 928 Shocking Change (1)
As soon as he returned to Sword Demon City, Leng Ye went straight to Sword Demon Building.It’s been a long time since I’ve been like Shuang’er and the others. Leng Ye’s whole body has endless energy, endless love, and is full of infinite passion. Although it’s still daytime in the game, he really thought about it...

Along the way, Leng Ye found that there were suddenly many beauties in Sword Demon City, and thought: "Could it be the Second Elder, Hou Wenjia, who did it? He's quite capable!"

Of course, Leng Ye met many handsome guys and strong men on the road. Although they all greeted Leng Ye warmly, Leng Ye didn't pay attention.

Entering the Sword Demon Building, Leng Ye pushed open the door of his room, he saw a fascinating scene, and his saliva couldn't help but flow out.

In front of Leng Ye's eyes were two stunning girls, one in a white dress and the other in a light blue dress. Although they looked very different, they both had angelic faces and devilish figures. It brought fatal temptation to Leng Ye from two different angles, making his heart beat non-stop.

If you use one word to describe the two girls in front of you, it is "beautiful", and if you add an adjective in front of this word, it is perfect.There is a saying that there is no most beautiful, only more beautiful, then, at this moment, these two girls can be called "the most beautiful".

These two "perfect" girls, no matter their appearance or figure, make people's heart beat and make people want to fall in love with Feifei. However, maybe because the two girls were originally beauties, they haven't changed much, so that Leng Ye recognizes Feifei at a glance. out of them.

"Shuang'er, Lan Lan, who are you?" Leng Ye finally couldn't help it, and asked in surprise.

"Husband, how are you? Pretty!"


"Honey, isn't it beautiful?"


After Shuang'er and Shui Rulan finished speaking, they turned around in front of Leng Ye, seeing that part of Leng Ye's body reacted immediately, and the nosebleed almost gushed out.

In fact, in this room there are several other women from Leng Ye and Jin Nanyan, who has just started a relationship, and they all have attractive faces and figures. However, at this moment, none of them can enter Leng Ye's Dharma eye.

"I've seen Shuang'er and Lan Lan N times. Regardless of whether they're dressed or not, why are they so charming today? Could it be because it's been a long time since I've seen them?" Leng Ye was thinking in his heart when he suddenly heard someone say that. One sentence.

"Husband, how do you feel now?"

"Do it!" Leng Ye blurted out.

It was this clean and somewhat vulgar word that accurately and appropriately expressed Leng Ye's inner voice at this time, and also announced the beginning of his "bedroom operation".

Men are animals that think with their lower body. This famous saying through the ages has a certain truth in many cases.He couldn't stand the cold night anymore, without saying a word, he picked up Shuang'er and Shui Rulan, one in each hand, and rushed into the bedroom...

More than a month of patience can suffocate the cold night, and it is out of control...

(End of this chapter)

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