Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 929 Shocking Change

Chapter 929 Shocking Change (2)
Seeing that Shuang'er and Shui Rulan were both tired and fell asleep, Leng Ye walked to the outside room with naked clothes and sat down on the sofa.

Among the girls, Huo Huo, Qiu Zimei and Shuang Ju had already fallen asleep, and the others were sitting on the sofa chatting.They may have been used to Leng Ye's "shameless" behavior for a long time, and they are not used to it, but they just stopped chatting when they saw Leng Ye coming.

But Jin Nanyan was a "little" girl who hadn't been through human affairs. Seeing Leng Ye's naked body, her face turned red all of a sudden, all the way to her ears.She also tightly covered her eyes with her hands, but she peeked through her fingers from time to time.

Jin Nanyan's small movements did not escape Leng Ye's eyes. In order to let the little girl adapt to this situation as soon as possible, Leng Ye hugged the little girl into her arms tightly, tightly, and did not let go.

"Honey, don't scare sister Yan'er."

"Honey, why didn't you bring Sister Yan'er in just now?"

"Honey, there's nothing wrong now anyway, you've eaten up Sister Yan'er."


The girls were laughing, talking nonsense with you and me, joking with Leng Ye and Jin Nanyan.It doesn't matter that Leng Ye is thick-skinned, but Jin Nanyan, a little girl, suffered a lot. She blushed even more with embarrassment, and went straight into Leng Ye's arms.

Leng Ye slapped Qiu Zimei lightly on the buttocks, and woke her up from deep sleep.

"Husband, are you done?" Qiu Zimei opened her eyes and said in a daze when she saw Leng Ye.

"Hmm, um!" Leng Ye said vaguely.After Qiu Zimei rubbed her eyes, he began to "interrogate" Qiu Zimei.

"Zimei, tell me, what kind of cosmetics did you use to make Shuang'er and Lanlan look so beautiful?" Leng Ye asked seriously.

"Husband, what are you talking about? Did you take the wrong medicine? If there are such good cosmetics, I will definitely keep them for myself first." Qiu Zimei said with a smile.

"Isn't it left over from the last beauty mission?"

"No! Husband, if you don't have lame eyes, you should be able to see that Sister Lan and Sister Shuang'er have not only become more beautiful, but also their skin has improved, and their bodies have also changed!"

"That's right, what you said is so true, it killed your husband and me. By the way, why don't you two use it together? Is there any difficulty? If so, my husband will definitely help you solve it." Leng Ye Said swearingly.

"Husband, we are really in trouble!"

"Yes, my husband, our difficulties are enormous! You promised us not to return!"


The girls surrounded Leng Ye and said one after another.

"Okay! Let me tell you one by one, I will definitely satisfy you." Leng Ye said with a laugh, he had already started to fantasize about the changed appearance of the girls.

What surprised Leng Ye was that the girls blurted out: "Take us to upgrade."

"By taking you to level up, can you become like Lan Lan and Shuang'er one by one? Although your husband and I have a low IQ, I'm not stupid enough to be deceived by you two." Leng Ye said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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