Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 931 Shocking Change

Chapter 931 Shocking Change (4)
Once the reincarnation system was opened, everyone understood the influence of "previous life" on "future life", and they all knew the significance of reincarnation at level [-]. Therefore, once this system was opened, players' enthusiasm for leveling has greatly improved.Of course, there are also some people who couldn't help being driven by curiosity once they reached level [-], and reincarnated early.

Among them, Shuang'er is one of them.

In the Elven Forest, the girls were sent back collectively by the envoys of the God of Law, but they failed to escape the bad luck of being downgraded, and they were all downgraded by one level.Shui Rulan dropped from level [-] to [-], Shuang'er dropped from level [-] to [-], and the other girls who were still at level [-] also dropped back to level [-].

Shuang'er itself is not a hidden profession, not a high-attack fighter, archer, etc., nor a high-health and high-defense knight, but just an ordinary little priest who can increase blood and defense.Moreover, Shuang'er's priest skills are not as powerful as Leng Ye's two summons—Little Sun and Snow White. Therefore, in the leveling team, she mostly plays the role of cheerleader.If there is anything special about her, it is that she has comprehended the forbidden curse in advance - the light of judgment. However, this powerful skill, which is not inferior to the forbidden curse of the mage, is in Shuang'er's hands. It's just a tasteless skill, because of her leapfrog comprehension, before level [-], the cooldown time of this skill is too long.

So, as soon as Shui Rulan said that Leng Ye had triggered the reincarnation mission, Shuang'er, a young priest who could be reincarnated or not, couldn't wait to run into the priest's reincarnation hall.Fortunately, since she was the first player to reincarnate normally, she was also taken care of by the system, so she didn't even have to do the reincarnation task.

What made Shuang'er even more unexpected was that, precisely because she was the first player to be reincarnated, the system actually performed a "full-level reincarnation" on her.That is to say, Shuang'er, a level [-] ordinary professional player, was reincarnated according to the settings of a level [-] player.After reincarnation, [-] freely allocated attribute points are given directly, and after each level up, the system gives [-] freely allocated attribute points.In this sense, Shuang'er's "garbage" reincarnation is not garbage at all.

The good things continue.Since Shuang'er was the first priest to change jobs, the system rewarded her to randomly draw a full-level skill.I don't know if Shuang'er herself was lucky or was affected by Leng Ye. What people never expected was that she actually drew the ultimate skill that can only be comprehended by priests at level [-]—absolute defense.

After being reincarnated, Shuang'er was surprised to find that the cooling time of the forbidden spell was greatly shortened—only [-] hours, and its power and cooling time were related to the player's level and intelligence. All attribute points are added to intelligence.In this way, Shuang'er at level [-]-[-] can give full play to [-] (percent) of the ultimate power of the forbidden spell (every level increases by [-] levels, the power of the forbidden spell increases by [-] (percent) of the ultimate power; Increased by [-], the power of the forbidden spell increases by [-] (percent) of the ultimate power. That is to say, [-] (percent) of the power of the forbidden spell will be exerted in the end), and the cooling time of the forbidden spell is also reduced to [-] hours and [-] minutes (Every time the level increases by [-], the cooling time of the forbidden spell will be reduced by [-] minutes; every time the intelligence increases by [-], the cooling time of the forbidden spell will be reduced by [-] minutes. That is to say, when Shuang'er reaches level [-]-[-], the forbidden spell can instantly sent.).

(End of this chapter)

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