Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 932 Shocking Change

Chapter 932 Shocking Change (5)
A priest who possesses forbidden spells and absolute defense at the same time is frightening to think about.In less than a day, Shuang'er transformed from a weak little priest into a powerful "priest warrior", and made her a shrewd "silly woman" taste the sweetness.This curious and impulsive move unintentionally created a "perverted" existence, which made people realize once again the important role played by the hidden attribute of "luck" in this game.

Compared with Shuang'er's luck, Shui Rulan's reincarnation is even more dramatic.

Not long after Leng Ye triggered the reincarnation system, Shui Rulan's cousin, Xiao Fei, killed a boss, which happened to reveal a reincarnation scroll of a berserker, and promptly called Shui Rulan who was still stunned by Shuang'er's reincarnation. Ru Lan.

The girls, including Shui Rulan, were not interested in reincarnation. Even if Shuang'er had the luck of "full-level reincarnation", they would not show much enthusiasm.Because they know that it is enough to have a man who truly loves them to protect them in this world.The only thing they need to do is to love this man and please this man with all their strength, so that this man can live happily and happily, that's all.

However, women are born to love beauty.In a sense, beauty is a magic weapon for them to please men, otherwise, there would not be so many large and small plastic surgery hospitals in this world and many women and girls who "practice" themselves to have plastic surgery up.

In the game, Qiu Zimei is a super beautician. If she is willing to develop her style, at least half of the female players can be three points beautiful. Of course, the premise is that she can come over.Even if she doesn't develop her style, opening a "beauty salon" in Sword Demon City will definitely be enough for her to make a lot of money every day.However, wanting to be "favoured" by Qiu Zimei, who is not short of money, is nothing more than the delusion of most players.

In addition to beauticians, there are also various cosmetics and other beauty and skin care products in the game, which can also enhance the appreciation of beauties, but these items are almost the same as in reality, and they can only temporarily cover up the player's appearance. It cannot fundamentally change a person's temperament, appearance and figure, especially the attractiveness to men.

Perhaps it is based on this that an adjustable appearance system appeared in the game at the beginning of its operation, and it was once loved by men and women who pursue perfection.Of course, there are also some people who don't want to see their real appearance, so they choose themselves beyond recognition, and even make them miserable.

I don't know if "Ling Yun" is for beautifying the "city appearance" or for other purposes. Once the reincarnation system is activated, the appearance of all reincarnated players will be optimized by [-]% based on reality.This includes making men look handsomer and stronger, and women looking prettier, sexier & sexy.I don't know whether this is the result of the game running automatically or the game designer's setting in advance, and I don't know what the hell they did. As a result, the mutual attraction between the opposite sex has increased invisibly, making the game more harmonious .

(End of this chapter)

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