Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 946 Peak Player

Chapter 946 Peak Player (3)
"Guangzhu, we are willing to swear to follow!" The others also echoed, but none of them retreated.

In Sword Demon Palace, wages are tied to personal achievements and contributions to the gang.Like the 81 members of the nine leveling brigades of the Sword Demon God Palace, their monthly salaries would all be in the six figures if converted into real currency.And the 13 people who came today are not only members of the nine leveling brigades, but they are also reincarnation award recipients, so it is inevitable that their salaries will double this month. "Cannibalize people's salaries, and eliminate disasters for others," this is an eternal truth. The Sword Demon God Palace assumes that if nothing happens, these people will rush to the front if something big happens.

Leng Ye heard Xuemei talk about the reward policy of the Sword Demon God Palace, so he was not surprised by the performance of the wine bottle and others, otherwise he would not have asked these people to help him with half-public and half-private problems.In fact, there is another advantage of asking them for help, that is, you are not afraid of their tricks (such as stealing equipment and leaking secrets), because these people are all selected by the down-and-out son and the golden knife through layers of screening and investigation, regardless of character or strength. No problem at all.Furthermore, their backgrounds are recorded in the Sword Demon God Palace, if they dare to betray the Sword Demon God Palace, the consequences will be quite serious.Therefore, Leng Ye was very relieved of these people.

"Okay, the first step is to level up with all our strength, and we will go straight to the Pacific Ocean in half a month. Do you have any opinions?" Leng Ye said.

"Guild Master, as far as I can tell, it's no problem to kill him now!" The evil soldier's words were astonishing, and as soon as he said these words, they attracted everyone's attention.

"Brother Canghai, tell me what you mean." Leng Ye instructed.

"Master, although our level is lower after reincarnation, our overall strength has not diminished. I think it should be sooner rather than later. What's more, we are all over [-] levels now?" The evil soldier explained.

"Less than a day after reincarnation, you reached level [-]?" Leng Ye couldn't believe it, and turned his eyes to other people, and it was actually confirmed.

Due to the identity of the leader of the gang, Leng Ye naturally couldn't ask carefully, and said again: "What do you all mean?"

"This trip to the Pacific Ocean is very likely to encounter super beasts. I think the leader is right. We should raise the level first. Besides, there are not too many reincarnated people now. We can also increase more while there are few people in the sealed place. Two levels." The Thirteenth Murloc said.

"The sealed place? What is this place?" Although Leng Ye was a little confused, he vaguely felt that this was a treasured place for reincarnated players to level up, so he immediately made a decision and went to the sealed place immediately.

The Sealed Land is a different space (hidden map) in the China region. It was discovered before the reincarnation system was opened. The level of monsters inside is very high, and the outer ones are more than [-] levels.There are many people who came here before trying to level up treasures, but they all returned in vain.It's not that these people can't kill the monsters, but because these monsters are better than iron cocks, they don't explode gold coins and equipment, and they don't even give experience for equipment after death. The fewer and fewer, coupled with the opening of the treasure land of the Elf Garden, this place is gradually forgotten by people.

(End of this chapter)

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