Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 947 Peak Player

Chapter 947 Peak Player (4)
Coincidentally, the entrance to the Sealed Land is not far from the east gate of the Elf City where the Women's Elite Association resides. After completing her tenth abnormal full-level reincarnation, Shui Rulan is eager to try her power, There were no high-level monsters near the city, so she naturally thought of the sealed place.Of course Shui Rulan knew that this place was "stingy", but she just wanted to prove her own strength, that's all.When Shui Rulan instantly killed a terrain dragon outside, she not only rose to a level, but was also surprised to find that the terrain dragon had unleashed a piece of gold equipment.Ever since, Shui Rulan informed Jin Dao of the news in time, and asked him to find someone to explore this place, but she didn't miss this place, and went back to Sword Demon City directly.

Just when Shui Rulan was calling for Jindao, he was leading 81 people who had just changed jobs to kill level 81 monsters on the mountainside of Wanshou Mountain. What made everyone depressed was that although they killed a lot of monsters , but the experience bar did not rise a bit.After receiving the message from Shui Rulan, Jin Dao took the [-] people to the sealed land with the attitude of giving it a try. What surprised them was that this place turned out to be a paradise for reincarnated people—a lot of experience, a lot of gold coins, and equipment a lot.

Once entering the sealed land, looking around, what appeared in front of Leng Ye were desolate ruins, mounds that were not too high, big trees without leaves, withered yellow weeds, and so on. There is a small dry ditch.Suddenly, Leng Ye felt a sense of desolation in his heart.However, when Leng Ye's eyes fell on a mound not far away, his feeling disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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