Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 948 Sealed Land

Chapter 948 Sealed Land (1)
Standing on the mound was none other than Han Shuang'er, one of Leng Ye's most beloved wives. At this moment, she was concentrating on a beautiful girl holding a dragon-handled sword and fighting two monsters under the mound. put the healing technique.Although Leng Ye couldn't see the girl below clearly, but judging from the figure, he knew that it was Shui Rulan.

Before Leng Ye could speak, someone yelled: "It's the two gang leaders' wives!" After that, everyone's eyes turned to Shui Rulan, who was holding a dragon in his hand and was agile.

"Brother Leng, the two sister-in-laws are over there, you go over there!" Gentlely said with her red lips parted, there was a hint of jealousy in her tone.

In "Lingyun", the number of players in the team is limited, and the upper limit is nine people.Of course, if there are couples present, this upper limit can be increased (whether it is polygamy or polyandry, in the team, there is only one person between husband and wife), so, in a sense, the husband and wife system is An extension to the party system that can greatly increase the number of people in a party.

"Brother, you divide them into teams, I'll go there first." Leng Ye said to Jin Dao, and then ran to the second daughter.

At this moment, two orange-red monsters were attacking Shui Rulan. They looked a bit like scorpions, with many claws and a hard shell, but they were much bigger than scorpions. They could reach his waist when lying on their stomachs.

"What kind of monster is it that makes Lan Lan fight so hard?" As soon as Leng Yelan sword came out, he used "Wrath of the God of War" on one of the monsters, killing the monster instantly with one sword." -[-] million" in red floated up, and two gold coins exploded.

"Ding Dong", the system prompts: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for killing the snake-tailed scorpion, the level has increased.

Leng Ye turned on the attributes and saw that he was upgraded from level [-] to level [-]. Compared with the level [-] upgrade in nearly two hours on Wanshou Mountain, it is simply too easy here.

"What kind of scorpion is so generous and gives so much experience?" Leng Ye was startled, and he used a magic skill on the other one who was dealing with Shui Rulan, and it also saw the attributes of the snake-tailed scorpion.

Snake-tailed scorpion: Level [-] red product seal monster, HP [-] million, physical attack [-]-[-], defense [-], speed [-]-[-], skill: Snake-tail venom (Snake-tailed scorpion has a [-] (percent) chance of attacking the enemy with its tail Let the enemy be poisoned, the blood volume of the enemy will be reduced to [-] after being poisoned, and the enemy will lose his mind, and attack all the players, monsters, etc. around him at will).

"Weaker than Shan Gao!" Leng Ye scorned the snake-tailed scorpion, and then asked in confusion: "Why is it so much more experience than Shan Gao?"

"Could it be because this is a sealed place? And this monster is a sealed monster?" Leng Ye muttered.

At this moment, Shui Rulan also killed another snake-tailed scorpion, and said in shock, "Honey, why are you here?"

"Great, this little girl is too serious about killing monsters, and it took me so long to see me?" Leng Ye was stunned, and said with a smile: "I heard that there are many perverts in the game recently, so I dared to protect you at the first time .”

"Sister Lan, just listen to his nonsense!" Shuang'er stood on the mound and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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