Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 950 Sealed Land

Chapter 950 Sealed Land (3)
The little man is short, at most 1.4 meters, very thin, holding a black dagger that is slightly shorter than ordinary swords but much longer than ordinary daggers in his backhand, and is deftly following a terrain dragon beside him (somewhat like a centipede) Similar, very fast) around.His speed is very fast, and he can easily dodge the attack of the terrain dragon. Once he gets around the back of the terrain dragon, the dagger in his hand will quickly slash two or three times, and each blow can knock out more than [-] blood of the terrain dragon. , which shows the high attack of the dagger.This is more than that, maybe the dagger has a poisonous attack attached to it, and if it goes down three or two times, the terrain dragon will continue to lose blood.What's even more frightening is that this poison seems to be cumulative.

Leng Ye has been to Japan, and in "Ling Yun", he has only seen Japanese ninjas holding a dagger in their backhands like this, so at this moment, he began to suspect that the person in front of him is a Japanese.Leng Ye was taken aback as soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, he saw the short man's name - Jingxiong Kameda.

"Jingxiong Kameda, you fucking dare to come to China to act wildly! Don't think that no one will recognize you if you shave off your mustache. When you meet Leng Ye, I can make you run away." Leng Ye immediately became angry and muttered Dao, holding the lazy sword, was about to leave, but was held back by Shui Rulan.

"Husband, how do you know the name of Little Japan's second master? I heard that in reality, he is also a playboy who murders, sets fire, rapes women, and commits all kinds of crimes." Shui Rulan said in surprise.

"Little Japan's second master? Or a dude?" Leng Ye was happy when he heard it, and said in his heart, "I'll take you!" Just as he was about to pass, he suddenly felt that everything was wrong, and asked: " Lan Lan, can the city portal scroll be used in the sealed land?"

"Husband, the sealed land has not been announced by the system yet. It is a hidden map. You cannot use the scroll to return to the city. Unless you find the exit, you cannot go out from here."

"Okay, now you take the two archers and the assassin there, guard the entrance, and remember: only enter, no exit." Leng Ye pointed at Bing Yuan, Yu Hao and the infatuated prodigal son.

Although Shui Rulan didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Leng Ye's gourd, she didn't say anything, and went straight to go with the Dragon Slaying Knife.

"Husband, is Little Japan's second master coming here?" Shuang'er approached Leng Ye and asked in a low voice.

Leng Ye pointed at Jingxiong Kameda who was concentrating on killing monsters with his sword, and said, "That's him."

"Husband, don't do anything yet, look at me!" Shuang'er said and summoned the ice fire phoenix, and walked to the side of Jingxiong Kameda.In the astonishment of Leng Ye, Shuang'er suddenly yelled: "Husband, come quickly, she will steal my blame!"

Shuang'er's voice was very loud, and when she called out, all the nearby leveling players were taken away, and they ran over in a hurry, and surrounded Jingxiong Kameda tightly.Especially the members of the Sword Demon God's Palace, all holding weapons, ready to kill.

Of course, Shuang'er was a beautiful woman and Leng Ye's wife, so naturally she received a lot of attention.Shuang'er completed the whole process under the watchful eyes of everyone, and did not escape the eyes of a few troublemakers.Although they knew that Shuang'er was making trouble for no reason, they didn't dare to say it, and they didn't know how to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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