Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 951 Sealed Land

Chapter 951 Sealed Land (4)
Although Shuang'er was making trouble out of no reason, it was different from Leng Ye's perspective.If Leng Ye directly ran over to kill Jingxiong Kameda at this moment, no one would gossip about Leng Ye, at most he would label him as a "love his wife". The fault was attributed to Leng Ye.This is exactly the brilliance of Shuang'er.

Anyway, the exit was blocked, Leng Ye didn't believe that Jingxiong Kameda would run away, so he didn't rush to kill him.Leng Ye came to Jingxiong Guitian aggressively, pointed his sword at him and asked, "Is it your fault that you robbed this woman?"

Io Kameda was about to open his mouth to say something, but shut up again, and lowered his head like a defeated Japanese chief.

"Is it because this guy can't speak Chinese or is he very calm?" Leng Ye thought about it, and continued: "You bow your head to show your acquiescence. I Leng Ye will not kill unknown people, so you can sign up! "

At this time, Io Kameda was quite depressed.He received a notification from a friend that there was a treasure land for reincarnated players to upgrade in China, so he came over immediately.What he never expected was that he would run into a difficult master like Leng Ye, so he silently found a place where he only spawned one monster at a time, and lived a life of "no competition with the world".While killing monsters, he also observed Leng Ye to prevent any changes.Obviously, he also found that Leng Ye had noticed him. However, what he didn't expect was that Leng Ye was really too unpredictable. He even found archers, assassins and people holding dragon swords to seal the exit. I can't even run.People under the eaves had to bow their heads, and Io Kameda also understood this truth, so he lowered his head.However, what he didn't expect was that Leng Ye took it as his acquiescence when he lowered his head.If he communicated with the other party in unfamiliar Chinese, he would most likely be seen through by the other party, so he refrained from making a sound.

"That's right! Master Leng doesn't want to kill unknown people, so you should report your name!" Someone in the crowd kept booing, but they saw that the little man was very calm, with his head down, still motionless.

"I offended Leng Ye, this kid is miserable." In the distance, a very prestigious person said to his subordinates.

"Hahahaha!" Leng Ye laughed twice, then stopped suddenly. Just as he was about to speak, he saw two guys, one fat and one thin, suddenly squeezed in from the crowd, and the fat one said, "Master Leng!" , this friend of mine has eyes that don’t know Mount Tai, and unintentionally offended Mrs. Zun, and asked the lord to let my brother go.”

Leng Ye recognized these two people at a glance, they were two elders in the Assassin's Guild, the fat one was called Shouhou, and the thin one was called Pangdun.I don't know who gave them two unnutritious names, which made people feel hypocritical and funny when they heard it.

"I heard that the Assassin's Guild colluded with the Japanese a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be true. Damn, today I, Leng Ye, must do justice for the heavens, kill the Japanese pirates, and clear up the traitors!" Leng Ye secretly swore.

"Haha! Gang Leader Leng has a lot of people, so how can we have trouble with our low-level brother! Everyone agrees! Gang Leader Leng, I'm the host, let's go to Yihong Courtyard for a drink." The thin and tall fat man said nothing said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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