Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 954 Sealed Land

Chapter 954 Sealed Land (7)
Jingxiong Kameda was killed by Leng Ye, and the others were inevitably a little disappointed. Most of them had patriotic enthusiasm, and they all gritted their teeth, wishing to tear Little Japan to pieces.As a result, all the onlookers pointed their weapons at Fat Pier and Thin Monkey, who were brothers and sisters of Little Japan.Without the intervention of the elites of the Sword Demon God Palace, the others wiped out these two "traitors".

At this moment, another female voice screamed not far away: "It's Io Kameda! He's here!"

Leng Ye heard the sound and looked around, only to see a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with an oval face, big eyes, fair skin, and a slender figure, wearing a pure white priest's robe.The girl looks very innocent and cute, a very likable kind.At this moment, her eyes were wide open without blinking, and her small mouth grew into a big "O" shape, showing a completely surprised look.

In the direction of the girl, in Leng Ye's field of vision, apart from the two tall warriors who were also standing still, there were no shadows of other people, let alone Jingxiong Kameda, who was short in stature.

"Little sister, if you are really bored, brother can chat with you. Human life is at stake, please don't play this kind of 'Wolf is coming' game?" Someone in the crowd said this with a loud voice.

The girl regained her composure and shouted loudly: "I'm not playing a game, it's real!! It's Io Kameda, he... he came out of here just now... I don't know why he suddenly disappeared."

"Invisibility? The ninja's invisibility is similar to that of thieves and assassins, at most 1 minute, and once he attacks the invisibility will be invalid. If there is no accident, he should be visible after 1 minute... If the little devil Knowing that if you can’t run, you’re bound to struggle to your death, jump over the wall!” Leng Ye realized this, and immediately ordered: “Everyone gather together in groups, with warriors and knights outside, to protect mages, priests and archers.”

Maybe it was out of trust in Leng Ye, or out of a sense of national responsibility, or maybe it was because of being responsible for oneself. Within the scope, no one asked any more questions, and almost everyone spontaneously formed together immediately, in groups of three or four , Career matching is appropriate.

"The little devil is invisible. The archers and assassins are using advanced reconnaissance techniques. Once found, they will be shot!" Leng Ye shouted loudly.

"Brothers and sisters, the little devils came to China to make trouble last time, Lord Leng released them in large numbers, and this time he even sent people to snatch the monsters, it is unbearable, we listen to the leader Leng, so we will close the door Big dog, let him come and go!" Some people in the crowd echoed, which aroused everyone's enthusiasm for "anti-Japanese".

At this moment, Leng Ye could not help but become the spiritual leader of this temporary "anti-Japanese team".

The time of 1 minute is coming soon, and everyone is becoming more and more cautious. Archers and assassins dare not neglect, and continue to investigate; mages and priests are also preparing to release advanced magic; warriors and knights are all smiling on the outside , Everyone wants to kill the little devil with his own hands and win glory for the country.

Leng Ye and Shuang'er were two meters apart, standing face to face, looking at each other, performing the "eyebrow expressive method", looking leisurely and content.

(End of this chapter)

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