Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 955 Sealed Land

Chapter 955 Sealed Land (8)
Suddenly, Leng Ye sensed something dark behind him, vaguely heard some movement, and then saw a slight change in Shuang'er's eyes. He knew that the little devil was going to attack Leng Ye.

Leng Ye clenched the lazy sword tightly, turned around quickly, and made a move of "Wrath of the God of War" without hesitation. In an instant, the lazy sword was dotted in the void, before Jingxiong Kameda's dagger pierced Leng Ye's body , hitting the little devil's chest impartially.The five blood holes reappeared immediately, and it was horrible. Looking from Leng Ye's direction, he could already see the back of the little devil.The little devil let out a shrill scream, and then turned into a burst of light and was reborn.

Faced with such a bloody scene, the players in the China region immediately gave warm applause for Leng Ye after being surprised.Everyone knows that when dealing with a scum like Io Kameda who bullies my compatriots and fears that the world will not be chaotic, we must not be soft-hearted to him. Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

At this time, far away from Leng Ye, a man with a fleshy face whispered to the three people around him: "Didn't you say that reincarnated players have equal-level defense? Leng Ye is only at level [-] to level [-]. How could it be possible to instantly kill the little devil with one sword!"

The person who said this was the well-known gang of gangsters in China, the leader of the Four Ghosts Gang, and the leader of all demons and ghosts: the Frozen Demon General.

The Gang of Four Ghosts was founded by four people (魑鬼) Frozen Demon General, (魔鬼) Little Witch Benben, (魑鬼) Troublemaker and (魔鬼) Aohun. Among them, the boss Frozen Demon will be the leader.The background of this gang is the Four Ghosts Gang, a small underworld gang in the real society. Most of the gang members are real gang members. The number is not large, the gang members are mixed, and there is no resident, causing gang members to wander around. .

In China, there are thousands of small gangs like the Four Ghosts, and the reason why the Four Ghosts stand out and attract the attention of others is due to the four ghosts and ghosts who founded the gang.

But being able to go to heaven blinded them made these four bohemian guys inadvertently complete a hidden mission and obtained the reward of a hidden profession, and this hidden profession was that the four of them could change jobs to become ghosts.The four ghosts actually relied on the four ghost formation attached to this hidden profession to defeat the leader of the second largest brother gang in China, Kuanglong. Since then, the four ghosts have gained fame in "Ling Yun" and entered the players' field of vision.

Although these four guys were wild and unrestrained, they did not do anything harmful to nature, and they also won the praise of many patriots because of their heroic performance in the charge against the "King of Hearts" last time.That is, from then on, the Gang of Four Ghosts began to raise the banner of "anti-Japanese", which gradually changed its impression in people's minds.

The little witch Benben heard the Frozen Demon General's inquiry, and immediately replied: "Big...Brother, after calculations by chaos mathematicians, there is indeed an equal-level defense. As for why Leng Ye is so powerful, I don't know."

"Fucking chaos mathematician, I told you that he is unreliable! If I hadn't listened to his nonsense, I would have won the lottery, and the Gang of Four Ghosts would become the largest gang in China." The Frozen Demon General said angrily .

(End of this chapter)

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