Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 957 Sealed Land

Chapter 957 Sealed Land (10)
He had just killed two monsters in China and was killed by Leng Ye. Io Kameda was very depressed. That's all. What's important is that the growth-type artifact dagger borrowed by Shenmu Rokuro was revealed. Don't say that he can't get out now, even if he can get out, he will still be severely punished by gang rules when he returns to Japan.Jingxiong Kameda, who was in trouble, secretly vowed to kill Leng Ye and Shuang'er several times before he could relieve his hatred.The reason why Io Kameda was able to become the second expert in the Japanese region was entirely due to his hard work in assassination. In the [-] assassination missions he completed, he never failed, and all of them were hit by one blow.However, he, who is good at speed and attack, never imagined that the first sneak attack on Leng Ye would fail, and what was worse, he would even kill him back.On the one hand, Jingxiong Kameda complained, he blamed the system for not setting the stealth system of the ninja to be the same as that of the assassin, instead of disabling the stealth first before being able to assassinate (the ninja’s attack is much higher than that of the assassin); on the other hand, This also made Jingxiong Kameda secretly determined not to kill Leng Ye, and vowed not to give up.

In fact, before the arrival of the four ghosts, Jingxiong Kameda's original target was Shuang'er. He had already blessed himself with a blast technique in the invisible state (the skill after the reincarnation of the ninja can be increased by [-] (percent) in a short time According to his judgment, Leng Ye, who was two meters away, could not save Shuang'er's life even if he had great abilities.As long as Shuang'er dies, Leng Ye will be in chaos, and it will be much easier for Jingxiong Kameda to kill Leng Ye again.As long as Leng Ye dies, even if he drops to level zero, even if he can't get rid of the dagger, he will still become a hero and be admired after returning home.

However, the appearance of the four ghosts made Io Kameda change his strategy.The dialogue between the Frozen Demon General and Leng Ye obviously attracted Leng Ye's attention, making him unable to take care of his back and Shuang'er at the same time.Jingxiong Kameda guessed that Leng Ye would definitely put all his extra thoughts on Shuang'er, and the opportunity was not lost, so he quietly came behind Leng Ye, taking advantage of the moment when Leng Ye and the Frozen Demon General were talking, As soon as he appeared, he stabbed at Leng Ye.

At the moment when Jingxiong Kameda appeared, Leng Ye couldn't notice the change in Shuang'er's eyes because he was talking to the Frozen Demon General, but he clearly felt the eerie feeling behind him, and it was too late to strike first So he lost his footsteps and dodged to the side.With this flash, he easily dodged the dagger stabbed in Jingxiong Kameda's hand.

When Jingxiong Kameda was still in shock, Leng Ye had turned behind Jingxiong Kameda, and the lazy sword in his hand was also on Jingxiong Kameda's shoulder.

Seeing the half lazy sword protruding from behind, coupled with Leng Ye's secretive actions before, Jingxiong Kameda was terrified to the extreme, trembling, and was at a loss for a while.

"Boss, Leng Ye really gave you face, look! Look! He is going to send Jingxiong Guitian to you to kill." Ao Hun rushed over and flattered.

"You stupid hat! You can't learn to be smart. If Leng Ye really gave Jingxiong Guitian to me to kill, then he deliberately made me look ugly. How could he, the boss of the Sword Demon Palace, block so many people?" People do such stupid things, unless he has a deep hatred against me." The Frozen Demon General cursed.

(End of this chapter)

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