Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 958 Sealed Land

Chapter 958 Sealed Land (11)
"Boss, why don't you say that Leng Ye didn't do anything? Does he have some conspiracy?" Ao Hun said again.

"Damn you. You can see what kind of conspiracy he has! It's so simple, do you still need to ask me? I don't know if you ask me!" The Frozen Demon General said to himself.

"Leng... Leng Ye, you are better than I imagined! I think it's... unlucky to fall into your hands today, if you want to kill or cut you, hurry up, # (percent sign) #[-]~ ~! (Niaoyu meaning: Long live the Great Japanese Empire!)" Io Kameda threw the dagger in his hand to the ground and said in unfamiliar Chinese.

"Haha!" Leng Ye laughed twice, and said: "Killing you is as easy as trampling an ant to death. Could it be that the second best expert in the dignified Japanese area is so willing to die? Is Yamato Dagger so willing to give up?"

"Leng Ye, as long as you return the Yamato dagger to me, I will be willing to let me die a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times." Jingxiong Kameda rolled his eyes and said.

"Is this a deal? I never do business with the Japanese." Leng Ye said with a sneer.

"You can think this way or that way, as long as you give it to me, I can do whatever you want." Jingxiong Kameda said again.

"Refreshing! I like refreshing people in the cold night. If you are not Japanese, we can be friends. Well, I will give you a chance, as long as you can kill them both [-] times in one hour, I will I will return the Yamato dagger to you." Leng Ye pointed at the two traitors (Fatty and Thin Monkey) who bowed their heads and pleaded guilty.

"Okay, I'll do it!" Jingxiong Kameda immediately picked up the dagger thrown on the ground, and came to the front of the fat pier with a small step. The dagger in his hand quickly pierced into the chest of the puffy pier, and then a "[-]" floated up. Red lettering.

"Stop!" Leng Ye hurriedly called Jingxiong Guitian, and then came to Fat Pier and Skinny Monkey, spat and said, "Traitors are worse than devils!"

"Leng...Master Leng, we didn't mean it, so please let us go!" Fat Dun hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Master Leng, the leader forced us. In fact, we don't want to form an alliance with the Japanese... Collusion, collusion." Shouhou also said.

"Okay, I trust you two. However, you have to show some sincerity." Leng Ye said.

"Master Leng, we understand, we understand!" Fat Dun raised the broad ax in his hand and slashed at Jingxiong Kameda in front of him. With one ax down, he also knocked out more than [-] blood of the opponent.

At the same time, Shouhou didn't stay idle, and leaped around Jingxiong Guitian's back, piercing the little devil's ass with his sword...

In this way, the two fighters, Fat Dun and Thin Monkey, fought with the little devil ninja who was called brother before.A war between devils and traitors was officially staged.

Without the Yamato dagger, Jingxiong Kameda's attack power is much weaker than before. It takes three to four daggers to kill a fat pier or a thin monkey. This is done without the two of them adding blood.As soon as Fat Pier and Thin Monkey increased their health, Jingxiong Kameda's attack advantage disappeared immediately.

Fat Pier and Thin Monkey are no match for Jingxiong Kameda in terms of speed or attack. However, relying on the advantage of having a large number of people, they can even kill Jingxiong Guitian in the round where each of them dies once. Tian killed, thus maintaining the so-called "death balance".

(End of this chapter)

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