Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 962 Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 962 Ancient Battlefield (1)
"Boss, you are amazing, and I think so too." The wine bottle praised, of course, the words were also full of boasting elements.

According to official information, a million years ago, a large-scale war broke out between the gods and the demons in the human world, which brought a major disaster to the world, causing hundreds of millions of people to be displaced and homeless.To make matters worse, after the Great War between the gods and demons, the place where the battle was fought was as if it had been bombed by an atomic bomb, and it became a barren land, with no grass growing and no human habitation.And this place is called the ancient battlefield.

Of course, "Ling Yun" is a game after all, and it also has its own characteristics, so it is not surprising that there is such a mythical and legendary background information.As soon as this information came out, it caused a sensation for a while, causing countless suitors of magical artifacts to put down everything in their hands and look for this rich place.The reason why this place is said to be rich is because this is the battlefield of the war between gods and demons. In the war between gods and demons, there will inevitably be casualties. It brings hope to players and makes them flock to it.

Leng Ye himself is not short of artifacts, his desire to pursue artifacts is not so strong, and he is not so stupid as to be as whimsical as some people. At this moment, his mind is very calm, but he just regards this place as a hidden map.The official only gave a brief introduction to the ancient battlefield and a brief description of the surrounding monsters, so Leng Ye only guessed from the big-headed spider and goblin that this might be the ancient battlefield. As for what kind of monsters will be in this hidden map? Special rules, he knew nothing about.

The ordinary monsters on the periphery can cause so much damage to the wine bottle as a paladin, so Leng Ye thinks this place is absolutely unusual.In order to ensure the safety of others, Leng Ye didn't hide his secrets. When the avatar bracelet was turned, his three avatars immediately appeared in front of him.After using his thoughts to give orders to the three clones, Leng Ye turned the wedding ring...

After all 16 people came in, Leng Ye gave them a brief introduction to the situation here, and repeatedly reminded everyone to be careful, and then divided the team into four training teams.

The first team: Leng Ye (Sword Demon), Han Shuang'er (Priest), Shui Rulan (Berserker), of which Leng Ye is the captain.

The second team: Wen Wen (beast trainer), infatuated prodigal son (assassin), Aoxue Weilong (sword fighter), Tailong (sword fighter) and Nobita (sword fighter), of which Wen Wen is the captain.

The third team: Wine Bottle (Paladin), Evil Soldiers (Evil Spirit Sword Fairy), Alive (Magician), Bing Yuan (Archer), and Wine Bottle is the captain.

The fourth team: Canghaiweilong (farmer), Lengyunxiehen (sword warrior), Thirty Murlocs (magician), Yu Hao (archer).Among them, Canghai Weilong is the captain.

It is still the idea of ​​the wine bottle to put the infatuated prodigal son and the triplets together, the purpose is to resolve the "long-cherished wish" between them, so as to strengthen the cooperation of the team and prevent accidents.However, the four of them refused to accept anyone, so in desperation, Leng Ye had to let Rourou go to the second team to control them.

(End of this chapter)

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