Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 963 Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 963 Ancient Battlefield (2)
In order to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for leveling, Shuang'er proposed a reward and punishment system: limited to 24 hours, within each 24 hours, the two teams with the least overall team upgrades will invite everyone from the other two teams to go to Sword Demon Eat A-level set meals in restaurants.As soon as this proposal came out, it was immediately approved by everyone.

Since everyone doesn't know much about the situation here, and the monsters on the periphery are already strong enough, under Leng Ye's suggestion, the 16 people decided to take an overall and gradual approach to advance in.In this way, the teams dispersed and started the upgrade competition within their respective field of vision.

On the periphery of the ancient battlefield, besides goblins and big-headed spiders, there are also monsters such as floating spirits, skeleton archers, and one-eyed demons.Their information is as follows:

Goblin: It looks like a monkey, but it is blue all over.They were originally clever and kind wild animals, but after being involved in the war of gods and demons, they lost their nature and turned into monsters.They used to live a stable life with the forest as their home, but now they have to survive in the desert of the ancient battlefield.Features: Leap high and use sharp claws to attack enemies when falling.The attack is high, the speed is fast, and the blood volume is average.

Big-headed spider: It was originally an ordinary spider, but it mutated during the war between gods and demons. Its body became dozens of times its original size, while its head became hundreds of times its original size.Use the spider web to attack. Although the sprayed spider web has no attack power, the target trapped by the spider web will feel as if it has been slowed down by magic, and both the attack speed and the movement speed will be greatly weakened.Features: Slow speed, low defense, less life.

Floating Spirit: It used to be a toy with magic power. In the war between gods and demons, after being controlled by ferocious magic, it turned into a monster.Although it doesn't have great strength, it uses its arms to attack without being affected by height differences.The characteristic of this monster is that it has no feet, floats in the air, has high attack, fast speed, low defense and less life.

Skeleton shooter: The gods and demons who died in the war between gods and demons, after tens of thousands of years of changes, their bones have spirituality and can stand up, becoming a veritable skeleton.Unlike ordinary skeletons, the skeleton archer uses bows and arrows to attack enemies. Therefore, it can exert powerful power when attacking from a long distance, but its defense is low and its life is low.

Cyclops: Evolved from a monster injured in the war of gods and demons, it is very cruel.It has a similar appearance to a human, but only has one eye, holds a hammer in one hand, and a shield in the other. It has high attack and defense, and has strong vitality, but its speed is slightly slower.

Leng Ye led Shuang'er and Shui Rulan to a place with a ruined wall. The reason why she chose this place was mainly for Shuang'er, because even if she, a little priest, was reincarnated, she would still be an anemic profession. .Leng Ye gave orders to the three clones, one to protect Shuang'er, one to protect Shui Rulan, and the other to follow her.

This place is good, every time a goblin, a cyclops and two floating spirits are spawned, there are no nasty big-headed spiders, and if these four are killed, new ones will be spawned immediately, and there is no need to attract monsters, which is just right for the cold night This trio.

(End of this chapter)

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