Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 964 Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 964 Ancient Battlefield (3)
As soon as Shuang'er came to this place, she couldn't wait to release the light of judgment, cleaning up all the monsters around, and, with the release of the light of judgment, all the monsters that had just been refreshed were instantly killed, causing cold Before Ye had time to fight against the monsters, he saw that they all died under the curse.

While Leng Ye was marveling at the power of the forbidden spell, suddenly, he seemed to be shot in the back by an arrow, and there was great pain. Before he had time to run, he was hit by the hammer again. Then, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by the one-eyed demon, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

As soon as he was resurrected, Leng Ye stepped forward and ran more than three meters away. When he turned around, he saw Shui Rulan hovering between a goblin, a one-eyed demon and two floating spirits. Surprisingly, the monster didn't seem to be able to break through Shui Rulan's defense, let alone cause any harm to her.Not far away was a skeleton shooter who was constantly shooting cold arrows at Shui Rulan.

"Oh my god! Lan Lan is really amazing!" Leng Ye exclaimed, and then sighed: "The couple who also live in "Ling Yun", why is there such a big gap in defense!"

For ordinary fighters, archers are the most hateful monsters. Although they will not cause fatal damage to fighters, they can continuously grind away the blood of fighters.Therefore, when ordinary warriors fight monsters, they will first choose to kill long-range attack monsters such as archers with low life and low defense.

Leng Ye was no exception. He looked at the back of the skeleton archer, and said "teleport" silently in his heart. In an instant, Leng Ye appeared behind the archer, standing firmly, without the slightest swaying feeling. The movement is so fast that it is almost as fast as "Shenzhen Seven".

"Oh my god! At this speed, time has stopped in front of it." Leng Ye was overjoyed and flattered. (see Relativity)
As soon as Leng Ye took out the lazy sword in his hand, he used the "broken sword style" on the neck spine of the archer's skeleton frame.The lazy sword quickly stabbed the cervical spine with only one-fifth of the blade, and the sword broke at the spine, and the bones of the skeleton archer immediately fell apart.As the red "[-]" floated up, the skeleton archer disappeared in a burst of white light.

"Vulnerable!" Leng Ye smiled.After killing the skeleton shooter, Leng Ye's level was raised by another level.He looked up at Shui Rulan, and saw that she had already killed a floating spirit, and she was now easily coping with the siege of three monsters.

Shui Rulan, who was level [-] at level [-], got the dragon-slaying knife, and her basic attack has reached [-], which is a qualitative improvement compared to before reincarnation.At this moment, she was holding the Dragon Slaying Saber with one hand, and she used her unique skill - the seven deadly swords - against the floating spirit in front of her.As soon as this move was performed, the Dragon Slaying Saber seemed to go crazy, slashing left and right on Fu Ling's body continuously, and completed seven slashes in just one second.At the same time as the seventh knife fell, the red words "[-]" floated on Fuling's body, and it also died.

There is a cooldown time limit for the seven life-threatening swords, so after using this skill, Shui Rulan can only use other small-power magic or the hard-slashing goblin with the dragon-slaying knife.

(End of this chapter)

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