Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 967 Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 967 Ancient Battlefield (6)
As the first mage to reincarnate normally, he was rewarded with a god-level skill.Contrary to his expectations, this spell is not a forbidden spell for a fire magician, but a Lianzhu fireball that is more practical than the forbidden spell (Lianzhu fireball: a god-level skill of the fire department, attacking by launching a string of small fireballs) The enemy, each string of fireballs will cause [-] damage to the enemy. Single-target attack, instant, ignore fire defense, skill cooling time is [-].), with this skill, in a sense, being alive can be regarded as a warrior, A fighter with ranged and steady attacks.Alive can now release two continuous fireball skills per second on average, which means that he can stably kill [-] monsters per second.

As an archer, Bing Yuan's strength is not bad.The piercing arrow in her hand hit the goblin's body, not only could it pass through, but it also had a certain chance to freeze it for [-] seconds, thus buying the team more time to kill monsters.

Compared with Alive and Bing Yuan, the Evil Spirit Sword Immortal who hides his professional reincarnation is mediocre.As a melee attacker, he only knocked out [-] blood from the goblin with each sword strike, and he was occasionally hit by monsters due to active mistakes, which seemed a bit careless.On the one hand, it makes people feel a little stupid, on the other hand, it may be hidden.

Under the joint attack of the three, in about [-] seconds, a goblin with more than [-] million blood will meet Hades.

As the captain of the team, Wine Bottle is quite responsible, he is very busy while gnawing on the blood bottle and directing the team members.Driven by him, the team killed fairly well.
After about 5 minutes, Leng Ye had a panoramic view of the performance of several people, and it was clear at a glance which one was better.Overall, Leng Ye is quite satisfied with the team's performance.

Bidding farewell to this team, Leng Ye went to the fourth team of the peasant commander.

"Hello, Chief!" Seeing Leng Ye approaching, the four of them greeted Leng Ye respectively.

Canghaiweilong (farmer), Lengyunxiehen (sword warrior), Thirty Murlocs (magician), Yu Hao (archer).Among them, Canghai Weilong is the captain.

The division of labor in their team is similar to that of the three teams: the farmer captain Canghai Weilong is in charge of topping the monsters, the magician Thirty Daisy Murloc and the archer Yu Hao are in charge of long-distance attacks, and Leng Yunxiong is the main attacker in close combat on the one hand, and on the other hand. Also protect the magician and archer.They also chose a place where only three monsters are spawned at a time, one goblin and two big-headed spiders.The three monsters are oriented north-south, of which the two big-headed spiders are almost side by side in the south, and the goblin is in the north.Therefore, the position of this team is slightly different from that of the three teams: Canghai Weilong stands among the three monsters. On the one hand, he is responsible for pulling the monsters. Thirty generations of murlocs and archer Yu Hao stood in the east and west directions respectively, aiming at a big-headed spider and attacking with all their strength the moment the monster spawned; Leng Yun evil god stood at the northernmost point and was mainly responsible for attacking the goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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