Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 968 Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 968 Ancient Battlefield (7)
I don't know whether Canghai Weilong is wearing special equipment or he has special skills, so that the spider webs spit out by the big-headed spider will be invalid at least eight times out of ten. Maybe this is why the team chose to kill the big-headed spider. Attack the monster's capital.What surprised Leng Ye was that the goblin's attack couldn't break the defense of the "ragged" Canghaiweilong, which once again made him admire the "rough skin and thick flesh" of the peasant profession.

As a simple and kind-hearted farmer captain, Canghai Weilong doesn't speak much. He takes the lead and works hard. However, if he doesn't make a sound, he is a blockbuster. He can accurately judge what is left of each monster. The amount of blood, so as to determine which monster should machete, make up a few arrows, and who will fight according to the attack of the team members, so he can predict the enemy's opportunity every time he exits, so that the team never makes useless attacks, thus greatly improving Monster killing speed.

In this team, the thirty generations of magician murlocs, the archer Yu Hao and the sword warrior Leng Yunxiong are very good at attacking. Under the leadership of Canghai Weilong, the three monsters spawned in this place at one time will die almost at the same time , and the total time spent back and forth will not exceed [-] seconds.

"If the death scythe is used by Canghai Weilong, the team's attack speed can be increased by at least [-] seconds. Is he the predestined person that the master said?" Leng Ye was underestimating when he suddenly heard a sweet female voice: "Boss, come and see us!"

Leng Ye looked up and saw Wen Rou looking at her not far away, she was smiling, her eyes were full of helplessness and a little melancholy.

"It's really difficult for Wen Rou to face four suitors at the same time... How could this guy, Wine Bottle, do such a bad move? It's too cruel to girls." Leng Ye thought, and turned to the two Go in the direction of the team.

"Welcome the leader to come and guide!" Rourou said sweetly when she saw Leng Ye.

"Why, our big beauty is starting to be lazy." Leng Ye laughed.

"What a beautiful woman! Sometimes I would rather be an ugly monster, so that no matter where I go, there will be no flies to follow me." Gentle sighed.

"Rourou, even if you're ugly, I'd still like to be a fly and accompany you every step of the way." The infatuated prodigal son said loudly, his face was red and his ears were not red, which showed his infatuation.

"Silly X, what's the use of being a fly! If it were me, I would definitely take Rourou to have a beauty treatment. I wonder if there is any girl who doesn't love beauty! Rourou, tell me!" said the elder of the triplets. The three heroes said.

She smiled bitterly, then shook her head helplessly.

"Third brother, it makes sense. A fair lady is a gentleman. Once a beautiful woman ceases to be a beautiful woman, she has no value to pursue. However, don't worry, Rou Rou, as long as I'm here, no one will dare to make you ugly. Even God, I will fight with him." Said Tailong, the second eldest of the triplets.

"My humble opinion! My humble opinion!" Aoxue Weilong, the eldest of the triplets, made a contemptuous gesture towards the other three, sighed, and said, "You don't need any reason to love someone! When human love reaches its peak, no matter whether she is an ugly duckling or a white swan, it makes no difference to me. Rou Rou, even if you are a shemale, I will love you without hesitation. Yu, this is my sincere promise to you."

(End of this chapter)

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