Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 969 Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 969 Ancient Battlefield (8)
Hearing this, Leng Ye couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out laughing.However, from those "sweet words", "everyday vows" and ridiculous language, Leng Ye can really see that these four people have a deep love for gentleness.If Leng Ye was to find a good home for Rou Rou among these four, he really didn't know who to choose.

However, where the gentle heart is, I'm afraid only she knows.

Unlike the third and fourth teams, the monster spawn point this team was looking for was a special place where three skeleton shooters were spawned at the same time.The three skeleton shooters stood side by side, and the distance between them was not too far. The three sword fighters, the triplet brothers, each resisted a skeleton shooter. Between monsters, hit each monster for [-] seconds.Captain Wenrou, as a hidden professional animal trainer, also released her three domesticated pets (a wind wolf, a flame tiger, and a dragon) to attack the three skeleton shooters respectively.In this way, although this team consumes more blood, it is easier to kill.

This team has five people, and there are too many combinations to kill three monsters, and the reason why Captain Wenrou did this is to perform a mission, to strengthen the cooperation between the infatuated prodigal son and the triplet brothers, so as to better Help Cold Night with his quest in the Pacific.This point, Leng Ye is naturally well aware.

At this moment, Shuang'er riding the ice and fire phoenix suddenly landed beside Leng Ye, and shouted loudly: "Husband, hurry! Come up quickly! Come up quickly!"

"What's the fuss about it in such a hurry?" Leng Ye asked, jumping on the back of Binghuo Phoenix, he knew that it was impossible for Shuang'er to make such a silly joke in this kind of place at this time.

Shuang'er didn't answer, and directly sent the phoenix to fly.The ice fire phoenix is ​​indeed a super beast of the sensitive system, its speed is at the same level as Peng'er and Xiaobai, and it came to the sky above Shui Rulan in the blink of an eye.

"Husband, look at that big guy is bullying Sister Lan!" Shuang'er said while directing the whereabouts of the ice and fire phoenix.

While speaking, the ice fire phoenix landed outside the monster spawning area.

Leng Ye jumped up and jumped off the back of Binghuo Phoenix, and saw a two-meter-high monster with a huge body, a golden body, a ferocious face, walking upright, holding a giant golden ax in each claw, chasing after it. The water is like blue.The monster looks clumsy, but its speed is not slow, almost equal to Shui Rulan.Under its pursuit, Shui Rulan had no choice but to escape.

This monster appeared in this place, Leng Ye had to suspect that it was a BOSS.

"What kind of monster can be so afraid of Lan Lan who has the dragon sword and the ice and fire suit?" Leng Ye muttered, seeing that Shui Rulan's life was not in danger for the time being, he was not in a hurry to do it, and put Faxue and Fire Mage first. A spell-casting skill, and then released a magic spell on the monster.

Golden Titan: After the Great War of Gods and Devils, a monster formed by combining the souls of soldiers who died in battle with stones. This monster was cursed and could not leave the desert, but it was given great power and became the king here. .It can pose a great threat to people and monsters entering the desert.Features: high blood, high attack, high defense.

(End of this chapter)

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