Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 976 Super Demon Spirit’s Reward

Chapter 976 Super Demon Spirit’s Reward (3)
The advantage of life-state pets is that they can understand the owner's intentions, and follow the owner's wishes to complete killing monsters, PK, and entering and exiting the pet space, etc., which belong to a very obedient pet.

The advantage of a non-living pet is that it can protect the safety of the owner all the time. Before it dies, the owner will not die.The disadvantage is that they can enter and leave the pet space at will, fight monsters freely, be mischievous, cause trouble, etc., all according to their own will, which belongs to a very disobedient pet.

In Lingyun, living monsters are everywhere, and living pets can be seen everywhere. In comparison, non-living monsters and pets are very rare.Therefore, in this sense, having a non-living pet has become the dream of many players.As for whether this kind of pet is useful or not, and whether it can assist in the battle more effectively, this is not the most important thing. What is important is that rare things are valuable!
Comparing the characteristics of living pets and non-living pets, Leng Ye once suspected that Peng'er was a freak between these two living states.On the one hand, she can speak, so that she can better understand Leng Ye's intentions, and most of the time she will act according to this intention, showing the characteristics of "life state"; , entered and exited the pet space at will, and took the initiative to rescue Leng Ye several times, showing some characteristics of the "non-living state".Doubt is doubtful, but Peng'er is a "bird" with vitality after all, so it can only be a living pet.

After the rejoicing, Shui Rulan opened the attribute of the glass ball and shared it with Leng Ye and others to watch.

Pet: Blue Lingzhu/Owner: Shui Rulan/Level: Inanimate Super Demon Spirit/Level [-] ([-] (percent))/Loyalty: [-]/Life: [-]/Attack: [-]/Intelligence: [-] /Defense: [-]/Speed: [-]/Skill: Life Halo (passive skill, can greatly speed up the life recovery speed of the Blue Spirit Orb), Hatred (can cause huge damage to divine monsters, the size of the damage is equal to that of the Blue Spirit Orb) level related).

What surprised Leng Ye was that Lan Lingzhu was actually a non-living pet.Like the little sun, it has a super high initial value of life, defense and speed. However, it also has the same regrettable initial value of attack "[-]", which is doomed to be a super god/super magic Ling cannot be a main attacker under normal circumstances.However, both Little Sunshine and Lan Lingzhu have a hatred skill. With intuition and experience, Leng Ye can feel that the hidden lethality behind this skill is absolutely extraordinary.

"Husband, I'm going to kill a monster to see the growth of Lan Lingzhu." Shui Rulan excitedly ran more than ten meters away, and directly used her unique skill "Seven Deadly Swords" at Shan Beng's Fuling, Seven swords down, contrary to Shui Rulan's expectations, Fu Ling, who has less blood and lower defenses, survived.To the surprise of Shui Rulan and Leng Ye, Fu Ling's body turned around, and with a flick of her two small hands, the hit on Shui Rulan's body took away [-] of her blood, breaking the defense! ! !In a fit of rage, Shui Rulan slashed wildly with her knife, killing Fu Ling in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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