Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 977 Super Demon Spirit’s Reward

Chapter 977 Super Demon Spirit’s Reward (4)
Back in a hurry, Shui Rulan regained the innocent smile before, and said happily, "Husband! Husband! [-]! It's [-]!!!"

Shui Rulan means that the growth of the blue spirit pearl is actually [-].Once Floating Spirit died, the Lanling Orb directly rose to level [-]. Apart from the fact that its attack was still [-], its health, defense and speed all reached an astonishing [-].This result greatly exceeded Leng Ye's expectations.You know, the same little sun of the "Super God Clan", its growth is only [-].

"The little sun should have been sealed or maybe his strength has declined because he has become a summoned object!" Thinking of the fact that the little sun once evaporated the water of Loch Ness by himself and melted the silkworm's silk, the cold Ye can only comfort himself like this.

"Husband, you should keep such a powerful pet for yourself! Why give it to me!" After the excitement, Shui Rulan said.

"Xue'er and the others all said that women are like clothes, as long as you can make these clothes strong, monsters will naturally not be able to hurt me." Leng Ye retorted with seemingly reasonable fallacies.

"Bad guy! You're not serious! You dare to talk nonsense when Wenrou is here." Shui Rulan said again.

Leng Ye inadvertently glanced at Wen Rou, and found that she didn't show any surprise, she still smiled so sweetly and brilliantly.

"Brother Leng, what do you think I am doing, quickly take out other good things and have a look! What? You won't tell me that there is only one blue Lingzhu?" Wen Rou said very easily and innocently, under the long eyelashes The pair of big eyes that are full of spirit are still blinking, looking very cute.

"Sister Wenrou is so smart, I will give this to you as your reward!" Leng Ye said and handed something like a parchment into Wenrou's hands.

Gently and carefully opened the parchment, and then, she let out an exclamation of "Ah", and the small cherry mouth opened into a big "O".

"God's mistake...God's mistake! It's the only scroll that hides job change!" Rourou obviously hasn't gotten used to Leng Ye's generosity, still looking at the sheepskin scroll with unbelievable eyes, murmured.

When they heard the words "the only hidden profession", Shuang'er and Shui Rulan were also shocked.After a long time, Shuang'er quietly came to Leng Ye's side, and asked in a low voice: "Husband, are you willing to spend so much money, are you planning to take down Wen Rou?"

"Don't talk nonsense! You also know that the eight elders of Jingu are all 'civilian officials' who are in charge of internal affairs of the clan. Shouldn't you be rewarded for being able to change jobs?" Leng Ye blurted out plausibly.

"I want to cover it up!" Shuang'er said.

"" Leng Yeli ran out of words.His words were indeed suspected of trying to cover up, but he really didn't have the kind of dirty thoughts that Shuang'er said, at least not at this moment.However, Leng Ye probably doesn't know why he said that.

"Husband, Sister Wenrou is good. But look at those four over there, they will be our right-hand men in the future, our good brothers, if you eat Sister Wenrou, they will have to fight for you. In that case, Shengong will lose a lot." Shuang'er said again.

(End of this chapter)

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