Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 983 Monster mutation?

Chapter 983 Monster mutation?

"Wenrou can't be so stingy, can she? I just made a joke with my two wives, how could she do this? ... I was too careless, after all, I am the leader of a gang, and I can be considered an official even if I am big or small Ah! If it gets out, the reputation of the Jingu Palace will be ruined." Leng Ye's mood at the moment is very complicated, but what makes Leng Ye wonder is that Wen Rou and the four of them are smiling and rushing towards them, and there is no trace of a smile on their faces. Without any murderous intent.

"Master, Wen Rou, the captain of the second team, led all the team members to report the situation to you." Wen Wen also saluted, as if he was a soldier, and he was very formal.However, as soon as she let go, her little woman's posture immediately appeared, laughing and showing two white front teeth.

Leng Ye looked at Rou Rou as if he had forgotten everything that happened just now, and felt much more at ease, and said, "What's the matter? Say it!"

"Leng Da... Guild Master, according to the team members' reactions, the monster's defense seems to have suddenly increased by [-]-[-] times, and it is very difficult to fight. May I ask the Guild Master, should we continue to kill or change places?" Gentle said again.

Maybe it was because the people from the second team "leaved", and the people from the third and fourth teams also came over.Both Canghai Weilong and Wine Bottle also responded to Leng Ye with the same question.

"Could it be the intelligence of the monster?" Leng Ye thought so, and said to everyone: "Wait a minute, I'll test the power of the monster."

However, when Leng Ye pulled out his lazy sword, he realized that there were no monsters within ten meters of him. "It seems that the power of the golden titan is very high here! Even if he is dead, he dares to come here to make trouble." Leng Ye thought wildly, and looked at a group of monsters 20 meters away. Came to the side of a floating spirit.

Leng Ye didn't stop there, and with a wave of the lazy sword in his hand, he used "Wrath of the God of War" at Fu Ling.The lazy sword made a slight tap, and in the blink of an eye, it pierced five big holes in Fu Ling's body.Then, the floating spirit turned into a burst of white light and disappeared.

Leng Ye smiled wryly and shook his head.Because he saw only four red numbers floating on Fu Ling's body, in other words, the fourth sword of the Fury of God of War had already killed Fu Ling, and the sum of those four numbers should be the life of Fu Ling. upper limit.Because the attack multiplier was too high, Leng Ye couldn't see the change in the monster's defense at all, so he smiled wryly.

With a step on his feet, Leng Ye came behind a one-eyed demon with relatively high blood volume, and gently stabbed its shoulder with the lazy sword in his hand.To Leng Ye's surprise, just this ordinary sword also knocked out [-] blood from the monster.

Before the one-eyed demon could react, the lazy sword in Leng Ye's hand stabbed out again.This sword still didn't use any skills, and it didn't hit the one-eyed demon's vitals, and knocked out [-] of the one-eyed demon's blood again.

At this moment, the Cyclops turned around and hit Leng Ye on the shoulder with a hammer.What makes Leng Ye depressed is that because of his carelessness, just this ordinary hammer killed more than [-] of his lives.

However, to Leng Ye's great joy, he did not die.That is to say, Leng Ye has at least nearly [-] blood.

Leng Ye turned to the back of the one-eyed demon again, and with his two swords "shua shua", the one-eyed demon went to see Hades.Same as the previous two times, Lazy Sword did not perform unexpectedly, and each sword also knocked out [-] blood from the Cyclops.

After killing two monsters in a row for five rounds, Leng Ye realized that with his current attack, he couldn't test the monster's defense at all. Fortunately, he put away his lazy sword and returned to everyone's side.

"Guangzhu, how is it?" Wine Bottle asked.It was unnecessary for him to ask this question, because everyone had seen Leng Ye's situation just now.Maybe this is his respect for Leng Ye.

"I can't lose face in front of the gang!" Leng Ye knew this well, and he knew that this group of people would not lie, so he nodded and said, "It has increased."

"Guangzhu, what should we do now? Shall we move our position?" Wine Bottle asked the same words as Wenrou again.

Leng Ye looked at the unsmiling Canghai Weilong, and asked, "Brother Canghai, what do you mean?"

"Master, in my opinion, let's go back and have a rest!" Canghai Weilong, as a simple farmer's representative, replied to Leng Ye with simple and concise words.

"Brother Canghai, the boss's wife agreed to compete for a day, what do you mean by going back now?" Wine Bottle immediately retorted.

"What I mean is that the leader killed a big boss today, shouldn't he invite us to drink a pot of wine?" Cang Haiweilong said again.As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention to Leng Ye, the meaning was self-evident.

Leng Ye naturally complied with the "public opinion", nodded, and called everyone to smash the scroll back to the city.

(End of this chapter)

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