Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 984 Hero Banquet

Chapter 984 Hero Banquet (1)
Inside the premium private room of Sword Demon Restaurant.

"Guard Master, Brother Young Master, all those who have first-level meritorious service in the shrine have come." A very quiet and delicate beautiful girl said to the two of them.The girl looked to be in her twenties, with long hair and big eyes. She was wearing a very ordinary pink dress, and she didn't deliberately dress up, but this simple attire completely showed the girl's inner beauty.

The girl's name is Li Xiaoyun, and she is the "secretary" of the down-and-out son.

From the moment he entered the door, Leng Ye had already noticed this girl. It wasn't that he had any special thoughts about this girl, but she found that the girl looked at the down-and-out boy with obedient eyes, like the kind of lovers. , which is full of care, affection and pride.But the down-and-out young man seemed to be lukewarm towards the girl, as if he didn't have any extraneous thoughts.

"Brother Young Master is not young anymore, he is also a normal man, and he can't justify not finding a partner." Leng Ye secretly underestimated, and immediately decided to let Shuang'er and the others find a suitable opportunity to match up.Leng Ye knew that the down-and-out young man was devoted to his career, and if he didn't help him, as the down-and-out young man was, he might not know what to do if the girl didn't automatically climb into bed.

The special private room has the size of three rooms, and the interior decoration is very luxurious, which is better than the real six-star hotel.There are three large round tables in the private room, and there are sixteen chairs next to each table, allowing a total of 48 people to sit at the same time.The waiters are all first-level NPCs hired for [-] gold coins per month.On weekdays, this private room is not open to the public. Only those who are above the elder level and those who have made a first-level contribution to the shrine can come here for a luxury, and each person has [-] gold coins.It may be due to the cold night to treat guests, today the special private room is full of all seats.

There are a lot of people in the Sword Demon God Palace, and although everyone here works for the Sword Demon God Palace, not many of these people know each other.In order to enhance everyone's understanding, and for the better development of Sword Demon Shrine in the future, at Leng Ye's suggestion, I introduced them one by one.

Three tables are arranged in an equilateral triangle.Sitting at the main table at the far end were Leng Ye, Shuang'er, Shui Rulan, Young Master Luo, Jin Dao, the Eighth Elder of Jingong and three strange faces.These three unfamiliar faces have made at least [-] first-level contributions to the Sword Demon God Palace. Not only are they superior in strength, but they can also stand alone for the Sword Demon God Palace at critical times. table up.

These three people not only made outstanding achievements, but also had their own characteristics.

One of them was dressed in black, it was scary black, it looked like a mage, and there was absolutely no trace of white in it; the other was the opposite, it was dressed in white, scary white, it looked like a priest, and there was absolutely no trace of black in it.The black master is a man, he thinks that black and white should be dominated by black, so he named it black and white impermanence; the white priest is a woman, she thinks that black and white should be mainly white, so he named it white and black impermanence.Not only that, but their appearance is also extremely ugly and unsightly.What surprised Leng Ye even more was that they turned out to be twin brothers and sisters, with Black and White Wuchang being the elder brother and Bai Hei Wuchang being the younger sister.

(End of this chapter)

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